More threats received after knife murder in Bærum – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

After a 14-year-old boy was charged with the murder of 26-year-old Faridullah Rahmani, the police report many threats from both sides. Police attorney Børge Enoksen says they take the threats seriously and asks the parties to reduce the level of conflict. It was Friday evening that Rahmani was stabbed on a scheduled bus in Bærum. Acknowledged stabbing The 14-year-old has been charged after the stabbing. As he is under the criminal minimum age, he was taken care of by child protection and not formally arrested. – He has acknowledged that it was he who stabbed the deceased, says defender Thor Bache-Wiig. According to the boy, a situation arose which he experienced as threatening on the bus, which led to the stabbing. Thor Bache-Wiig defends the 14-year-old who has been sent to a closed institution where he must stay for at least two weeks. Photo: Jon Petrusson / news Accused says deceased filmed The boy has explained that the episode started with the deceased filming in the bus. The accused and his two companions were sitting at the back of the bus when this happened. – One of the two comrades has on two occasions taken the mobile phone from the victim and deleted the videos. Nevertheless, he continued and then it escalated to a different mood. Just before the stabbing happened, my client believed that the victim was about to do something to the boys, and then he did what he did, says Bache-Wiig. The police do not want to comment on what the accused has explained, but confirm the accused’s explanation that he felt threatened.
