More queers uncertain about the pride marking – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Several people in queer circles have felt an unease after the shooting outside a London pub this summer. Two people were killed and several injured on the night of 25 June and Oslo Pride’s parade was cancelled. Dan Bjørke took over as leader of Oslo Pride on 24 August. Diversity is a wealth, he says. Photo: Haakon Nesse Moreau / news – We have great sympathy for the fact that there are quite a few who may feel that it is difficult to participate now on Saturday, says the new leader of Oslo pride, Dan Bjørke. He meets news at a London pub, one of the targets of the perpetrator this summer, where he is together with others in the pride management planning the commemoration. Oslo police district says that the organizer has expected that there may be 100,000 participants in the rainbow train. In addition, the police expect that there will be many spectators on the pavement. Anxiety before the commemoration One of those who have had doubts about whether to participate in the commemoration is Benedicte Stølen (28). Together with others in the choir Homofonien, she celebrated the pride days in a London pub that summer night in June. The party was abruptly interrupted and Benedicte had to run for her life. Benedicte Stølen says that she herself feels that the queers have already taken back the streets and the gay quarter. For those who don’t feel that way yet, she hopes that the parade can make them feel the same way. Photo: Haakon Nesse Moreau / news When she first heard about the commemoration on Saturday, she thought that this was important. – This is very nice, because I had really settled down to the fact that there won’t be any pride until next year, and that we get to make it even bigger then, says Benedicte. But she also sensed an anxiety. – There is something about large crowds and lots of noise. And I think people deal with things differently. I like to have peace and quiet, and a bit to myself, she says. Respect for feelings Benedicte believes that it is important to remember when many people gather after something terrible has happened, that all feelings should be equally accepted. The 28-year-old says it’s nice to respect each other’s feelings and what you yourself need to do to get over what happened. The day after the shooting in Rosenkrantz’ street, large amounts of flowers and people showed up, mourning and showing support. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news Benedicte has decided that she will go to the commemoration. And then she accompanies those who were there for her a lot after what happened. – The choir has been very important to those of us who were present and who were affected in other ways. With them I feel extra safe. They know me, are fond of me and understand how things feel, she says. The issue of security Both Oslo Pride and the police say they have had good cooperation regarding security around the event. – We have been able to plan to put in place the measures we believe are sensible. And that has meant that we believe it can be carried out within the framework we have today, says Chief of Staff in Oslo Police District Harald Nilssen. – The police have done what we can to make it as safe as possible, but there will always be a residual threat in such contexts, says chief of staff in Oslo police district Harald Nilssen. Photo: Kristoffer Steffensen Lenes / news When asked if it is safe to participate in the commemoration, he says that it is something the individual must decide for himself. There will be both visible police present in the streets and plainclothes which will not be so visible. The threat level in Norway is still high, and is now at level four, says assistant head of PST, Hedvig Moe. This does not necessarily mean that events are cancelled. She explains the threat level as a tool for the police which they can use, among other things, to assess how to secure. – It is the police who assess whether they can implement it in a good way. And the Norwegian police have good experience with that, says Moe. Walks for those who find it difficult The Pride leader explains that the train at the weekend will not be like a normal pride parade, with floats and sections for organisations. Here, people can bring rainbow flags and show their support. – Our impression is that there are quite a few people who have a need to show what kind of city we should have, says Bjørke. He thinks there will be quite a few people who don’t go in the usual pride parade. On Saturday it will be ready for attendance from 11 o’clock. The rainbow train runs from Fra Kongens gate, via Rosenkrantz’ gate and to Kontraskjæret. There will be a commemoration with speeches and cultural elements from 14:00. Illustration: Oslo Pride This marking is a signal that it is love that wins, says Bjørke. He also has a message for those who show up on the rainbow train. – For those who want to go, they should know that they are going for a large group of people who find it difficult to participate, says Bjørke.
