More forest fires – must have help from fire helicopter – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– It is burning in a relatively large area and there is a lot of rough terrain. We have the crew on site working to organize. At the same time, a fire helicopter has been ordered, says duty manager in the 110 center Frode Johannessen. Johannessen goes on to say that the working conditions at both forest fires are so difficult that they have to have assistance from a helicopter. The police have also sent up their own helicopter to locate the forest fires and assist the fire brigade. According to the duty manager of the fire service, the forest fire in Fetsund is spreading with the wind. – There should be no danger of the fire spreading to buildings, but according to the fire service, the fire is spreading in the terrain. The forest fire in Fetsund has a width of 150 metres, the fire service says. The fire service is both in Fetsund in Lillestrøm municipality and in Eidsberg in Indre Østfold municipality on forest fires. Width of 250 meters in Eidsberg It is burning in the very south of Eidsberg, on the municipal border between Rakkestad and Eidsberg near Trømborgfjella. Johannessen explains that. – It burns well. It is estimated that it will burn in a width of approx. 250 metres, but it is still uncertain how large the scope is. The fire is spreading northwards in the terrain and crews have made their way on bad roads, says Johannessen. There are a total of eight cars and a large crew in Eidsberg, according to the fire service. Fire in solar panels The fire service has no control over the fire in the terrain at Sundvor in Bjerkreim, according to the police. It must have spread. However, there must be no danger of construction. – We are on our way up with a drone to get a better overview. There are steep and difficult conditions at the site, says Svein Nesse, supervisor of Rogaland fire and rescue. According to Nesse, 21 solar panels that have been installed and connected are burning. Forest fire danger for large parts of Eastern Norway The Meteorological Institute reported earlier on Tuesday about local forest fire danger for large parts of Eastern Norway and Southern Norway until there is any significant rainfall. At the same time, they advise people to be careful with open flames and to follow local authorities’ instructions. – There is no doubt. It is very dry. In addition, we have had a lot of wind, which means that it dries up extra, says state meteorologist Bente Wahl.
