More bad news for the Oslo Fjord – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

We already know that the ecological condition of the Oslo Fjord is poor. In addition, much of the fish is gone. A new report from the consulting company COWI shows that the chemical condition is not as it should be either. On behalf of the State Administrators in Vestfold and Telemark, Oslo and Viken and the Norwegian Environment Agency, the Outer Oslo Fjord has been investigated across the board. Among other things from Horten to Moss, from Sande to Drøbak and from Larvik to Halden. 40 of the 42 surveyed sites have environmental toxins above the recommended level. Code red In 30 of the areas examined, the chemical condition is so bad that it gets a red color code. Photo: Screenshot from the report “Environmental toxin surveys in sediment in the Outer Oslofjord 2021” Senior adviser at the State Administrator in Vestfold and Telemark, Gunnar Kleven, believes the report confirms what they already know. – The report has colored almost the entire Outer Oslofjord red, because it does not satisfy the Norwegian water regulations. For us, it is unfortunately not particularly surprising. Chemical condition is classified as either good or bad. This means that if only one of the many substances, including lead, mercury and tar substances, was tested for exceeding the limit values, the entire area will be marked in red. Dietary advice for vulnerable areas The most visible consequence for us residents is that the Norwegian Food Safety Authority determines dietary advice for the food we eat from some sea areas. This applies, for example, in the Grenlandsfjords, Sandefjordsfjorden, Drammensfjorden, Indre Oslofjorden and Vansjø outside Moss. HAS EXAMINED YTRE OSLOFJORD: Senior adviser Gunnar Kleven in the environmental department at the State Administrator in Vestfold and Telemark, points to the red fields that have a so-called poor chemical condition in Ytre Oslofjord. It has been investigated for, among other things, mercury, lead, cadmium and tar substances. Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news The advice is, among other things, that you should not eat fish and shellfish in certain areas. In addition, breastfeeding and pregnant women should not eat cod fillets caught in certain areas due to elevated levels of mercury. – It is a very clear advice, directly related to these environmental toxins, says Kleven. These tips apply to what you fish yourself. Fish and seafood you buy in the store or eat at a restaurant should be safe. Fishermen, reception centers and other actors are responsible for this, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority explains. May have a chronic effect You can not see, smell or feel environmental toxins. However, if the presence of the chemical substance is classified as moderate, it means that the substance can harm living organisms. According to an ecotoxicologist at the State Administrator in Vestfold and Telemark, Tor Fredrik Holth, it can affect our body. – Some can affect the immune system, some can affect the hormonal system. And some, because they are surfactants, can affect membranes and cells. Metabolism and things like that, says Holth. EXPERT: Tor Fredrik Holth is an expert on environmental toxins and their effects. In addition to working as an ecotoxicologist at the State Administrator, he is affiliated with the Scientific Committee for Food and the Environment. Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news It is especially PAH and TBT substances that have elevated concentrations on the seabed. – Then you expect a chronic effect, if that concentration remains. – When you talk about the dead Oslofjord, does this fall under it? – It is part of the overall picture, of course. If the substances are broken down, there may be an improvement over time. The solution is to ensure less use or ban on drugs. – Since it is not possible to take measures in such large sea areas, the solution is to regulate the use of the substances. It is worked on from a central level, for example in products, says Holth.
