Monkeypox is particularly contagious through sex – almost only homosexuals are affected – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Monkeypox has so far almost only spread among homosexuals and men who have sex with men – although it can basically affect anyone. – It is not pleasant. It is unfair. So says Rolf Martin Angeltvedt, leader of the “Health Committee”. It is a foundation that works with sexual health among people who have sex with people of the same sex. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) has recently published a new risk assessment on the spread of monkeypox in Norway. FHI assesses that there is very little likelihood of an epidemic of monkeypox in Norway, but a greater likelihood of further spread among groups of men who have sex with men. Angeltvedt thinks it is good that FHI is clear about this. He says to NTB that it is time to speak the truth about who this virus is causing. He does not think one should be so politically correct when it comes to the spread of infection. Almost only men are infected Monkeypox causes a rash and fever. Symptoms are often mild, but can become serious in people in certain risk groups. In Norway, as of 27 July, 50 cases of infection have been reported, 31 of these in Oslo. All the Norwegian infected are men. In Europe, 99.5 percent of cases are men. The World Health Organization (WHO) also reports that the majority of reported cases of monkeypox globally are currently in men. This is also shown by a new study of the virus from The New England Journal of Medicine. – We consider that the infection can continue to spread in an environment where men have sex with men, especially through many intimate close contacts, even without constantly new imported cases, says doctor Elisabeth Astrup at the Institute of Public Health. Infection with monkeypox: – No shame Guðmundur Helgi Arnarson was infected with monkeypox at the end of June. He developed a fever and body aches, but no particular rash. He is openly gay, and believes there should be no shame associated with getting monkeypox. – It can infect everyone. Homosexuals unfortunately have to accept the consequences of the fact that many of us have more sex partners more easily. Unfortunately, this disease has spread in this environment. It’s sad, but I feel it’s nothing to be ashamed of, he says. Guðmundur Helgi Arnarson comes from Iceland, but lives in Oslo. He thinks monkey cups are nothing to be ashamed of. Photo: Private – May indicate that it is particularly contagious during sex But why does monkeypox mainly spread among homosexuals? After all, heterosexuals can also have many partners. The outbreak in Europe is believed to have started after sexual intercourse with gay and bisexual men after parties in Spain and Belgium, according to the AP news agency. – In this outbreak, the smallpox virus has entered and spread internationally in networks of men who have sex with men. Until now, there has been little spread outside this environment, says Astrup in FHI. – This may indicate that the virus mainly spreads through intimate contact and especially through sex. Infections in the “core group” On Saturday, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the international outbreak of monkeypox a global health crisis. The disease has passed 16,000 cases in 75 countries, and more than 10,000 of these are in Europe. FHI assesses that there is a moderate likelihood that individuals in the general population in Norway will be infected. They consider it very unlikely that there will be an epidemic of monkeypox in the general population in this country. Angeltvedt calls for more explanation as to why it is a group that is mainly by accident. – There is not much explanation as to why this virus happens to men who have sex with men, he believes. Rolf Martin Angeltvedt in the “Health Committee” says it seems unfair that it is mainly homosexuals and homosexuals who have sex with men who have been infected with monkeypox. Photo: Alexandra Gjerlaugsen Angeltvedt thinks that one can openly draw parallels between HIV and AIDS and monkeypox. Astrup says that the spread is similar to what we see with some sexually transmitted diseases, where the spread is mainly in “a core group” of people with a high rate of new sexual contacts. – But monkeypox is not defined as a sexually transmitted disease? – Monkeypox is transmitted between humans via close contact with rashes, body fluids and droplets. Because monkeypox is mainly transmitted through direct contact, there is a greater likelihood of further spread if the disease is introduced into a network with very close contact, for example in a household or between sexual partners. Warning against stigmatization of homosexuals In May, the UN’s HIV and AIDS program issued a warning against stigmatizing mention of the disease. Angeltvedt says that homosexuals are used to stigmatization, and that he is therefore not particularly worried this time. – I am terribly afraid of that happening. But we still wish to support the health authorities’ focus on this group. Since the outbreak of the virus started in May, information campaigns have targeted the gay community. Health experts in the United States have a theory that pride celebrations in June may have seen greater speed in the spread of the virus, according to NBC News. Experience from venereal diseases FHI says that together with the Directorate of Health, they have collaborated with organizations and groups, both before and after pride, to ensure that targeted information is available. The checking app Grindr has several ads. The Norwegian Directorate of Health has published information on the website Gaysir. – In Norway, we have long and good experience with preventive work among men who have sex with men. This is a vulnerable group for a number of transmissible infections, such as HIV infection, gonorrhea and syphilis, says Astrup. She nevertheless emphasizes that it is important to convey that the risk of infection is not limited to this group.
