Mona was changed in the delivery room – The Directorate of Health apologizes – news Vestland

The story of Mona has been carefully read in the Directorate of Health. – To Mona, I want to apologize most strongly. I get moved when I talk about it, actually. This must be a great burden for Mona. The words come from Divisional Director in the Directorate of Health, Helen Brandstorp. Helen Brandstorp, Divisional Director Health and Society, Directorate of Health. Photo: Oddgeir Øystese / news The directorate has tried to find out what they can about what has happened to Mona. When she was mistaken for another infant in the delivery room in a village in Western Norway. And when the authorities found out about the mix-up in the 80s without notifying Mona that she was not living with her biological parents. – We don’t know what happened. We cannot find the facts in the case. We only know that there were other routines before. Appreciate the apology Mona’s lawyer, Kristine Aarre Hånes at RettAdvokat. Photo: Oddgeir Øystese / news Mona has been forwarded the apology from the Directorate of Health. Her lawyer, Kristine Aarre Hånes, says she is happy with what comes from the authorities. – My client appreciates the Norwegian Directorate of Health’s apology. The apology from the Directorate of Health does not, however, repair the irreparable damage that has occurred. The fact that the Directorate of Health failed to inform my client about the change in the 80s helped rob her of the opportunity to get to know her biological family. Hånes, on behalf of his client, has made a compensation claim against the Directorate of Health and Herøy municipality, where Mona was born. – We hope that the Directorate of Health will also take legal responsibility for the injustice that was committed and offer my client compensation without it being necessary to file a lawsuit, which will be another burden for her. No promises of compensation news asked Brandstorp in the Directorate of Health whether Mona deserves compensation. – In any case, she deserves an apology. The Norwegian Directorate of Health has forwarded the compensation claim itself to the Ministry of Health. Neither they nor Herøy municipality have made a decision on the compensation claim, which is in the double-digit million amount. Herøy municipality has previously told news that they are unsure whether they are responsible for what happened several decades ago. For Brandstorp, it is important to apologize on behalf of the Directorate of Health. – Errors have occurred here that should not have happened. It is deeply regrettable. First and foremost for the children. Mona was born here at the Sanitetshuset in Eggesbønes in Herøy municipality in Sunnmøre. Photo: Oddgeir Øystese
