Mold settled quickly after the flue – homeowners have a bad time after the extreme weather Hans – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– There is water damage in the whole house. I have to tear quite a lot, says Magnus Brennhovd. Magnus Brennhovd bought the house just two months ago. Photo: Frida Synnøve Høyås / news The 20-year-old lives in Nesbyen and had to evacuate when the water from the Hallingdal River rose rapidly during the extreme weather. He bought the house last summer and had started the renovations when the flum water came. – And with the damp comes the mildew. But it was quite unexpected that he came so quickly, says Magnus. Magnus Brennhovd was surprised at how quickly the mold settled in the walls. Photo: Frida Synnøve Høyås / news Important to get the moisture out as soon as possible Especially after a flood where the water has seeped everywhere in the house, the risk of mold is great. – And he can come very quickly, says Ole Erik Carlson. Ole Erik Carlson is responsible for mold and indoor climate in Mycoteam. Photo: Jarle Nyttingnes He is the professional manager at the company Mycoteam, which are experts in indoor climate and mold in buildings. To avoid mould, it is important to get the moisture out as soon as possible. – The best way to do this is to ventilate, preferably with fans. Then the fungus is unable to establish itself, explains Carlson. – But air must also get behind panels and parquet, and not just on the visible surfaces, he adds. Mold Photo: Fukt / Bygård Allergy sufferers and asthmatics are most at risk due to the high level of mold spores in the airborne dust. In addition to spores, some mold species produce mycotoxins. Irritated airways, eyes and abnormal tiredness are the most common complaints in indoor environments with moisture damage. A cellar-like smell and visible dampness are good indications of mould, but not all types of fungi give off an odour. Cultivation tests of the suspended dust are probably the safest way to see if there is mold in the indoor air. To remove mold in the indoor environment, the underlying moisture problem must be solved. Moisture problems can have many causes, such as water ingress through basement walls, leaks from the roof, leaks from water pipes and condensation on cold surfaces due to poor insulation. After the damp problem has been solved, all material damaged by mold and rot must be replaced. This also applies to insulation. Source: So that the water rose in the house The Sambuar couple Bjørnar Ulsaker and Janne Wetterhus Holte live a stone’s throw from Magnus Brennhovd in Nesbyen. They have four children and now live with good friends. Bjørnar Ulsaker and Janne Wetterhus Holte have suffered major water damage in their house and are prepared to renovate it after the disaster. Photo: Eirik Leivestad Hall / news After about a week, the pitcher appeared. – The mold has already started to grow well up the walls, says Bjørnar. And shows news the small, green spots. – When we started to demolish, we discovered mold between the boards, Bjørnar says. At Bjørnar Ulsaker and Janne Wetterhus Holte, the pitcher has everything coming. Photo: Frida Synnøve Høyås / news Can’t move home until next summer And the water came quickly, says Bjørnar. It took less than an hour before the basement was filled with water. But it didn’t end there. Not until the water was half a meter up on the floor above did it stop. There was water about half a meter up the wall at Janne and Bjørnar’s home in Nesbyen. You can see the watermark from the water on the card wall. Photo: Eirik Leivestad Hall / news He understood already then that there was going to be a lot to do. One of the first things the couple did was to contact the insurance company. They have also had an appraiser look at the damage. Now they know that both the basement and the first floor must be demolished and refurbished. And that they cannot move back until next summer. Surprised at how quickly the mold came Many municipalities were hit hard by the storm. Landslides occurred, and rivers and lakes overflowed. In Nesbyen alone, there are around 30 housing estates where people cannot live for a long time, according to figures from the municipality. The insurance company has registered around 7,000 reports of flood damage to buildings, contents and property. It does not include damage to cars and caravans. The Norwegian Nature Damage Pool estimates that the damage will cost at least around NOK 1.6 billion. In addition, there are costs for destroyed roads and railways which are not included in the calculations. Important to contact the insurance company Sigmund Clementz is head of communications at If insurance. Photo: If According to communications manager Sigmund Clementz at If insurance, there are many people who want and can do something themselves to start with. But he clarifies that it is important to first contact the insurance company. – Many are left with nothing. The weekday will be turned upside down when they will now have craftsmen in and out of their house for weeks, says Clementz to news. Expecting many inquiries Ole Erik Carlson and his colleagues in Mycoteam are prepared for the fact that the working days will soon become a little busier. – In about a week, when the remediation work has started, we will receive a good number of inquiries from both insurance companies, remediation companies and house owners who want it checked, says Carlson.
