Mjøssykehuset is discussed in a joint enterprise meeting with the Minister of Health and Care – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The new Mjøssykehuset was the last item on the agenda when Health and Care Minister Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) met with Health South-East this morning. According to the Minister of Health and Care, the decision has now been formally taken: – Now we are going ahead with the Mjøssykehus alternative. They have been given some additional tasks in Health South-East related to the fact that the government wants to add some more functions to the hospital in Elverum, says Kjerkol after the meeting. This is about the government wanting to build a “power center” for the physical treatment in Elverum. All-round emergency hospital in Lillehammer For Elverum, this means that the hospital will have more offers in rehabilitation and physical medicine. They must also retain the functions that Helse Sør-Öst has proposed. – There I would like to highlight the new helicopter base which will strengthen preparedness in the interior. The wording in the press conference last week, when the government presented the decision on a future Mjøssykehus in Moelv, has caused concern for the future of the hospital in Lillehammer. Kjerkol says that there is no cause for concern: – It will be a large emergency hospital which will also be versatile. There are no changes in the government’s ambition for Lillehammer hospital. Helse Sør-Öst’s finances determine whether such large investments can be carried out. But the government has set a framework for the investments in the hospital in the revised national budget. Progress therefore depends on when Helse Sør-Öst submits a loan application to the government. Kjerkol assures that there will be progress in the work, but she does not want to specify the time perspective. EUROPE’S LEADING: With Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) and Health and Care Minister Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) at his side, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) stated in a press conference in Moelv that Mjøssykehuset will be Europe’s leading. Photo: Aleksandr Nedbaev / news Getting started immediately CEO of Helse Sør-Öst, Terje Rootwelt, says they are very happy with the clarification that has now come. – We have already called a meeting of the steering group on Wednesday next week, he says. Now they will proceed with the additional tasks, especially the tasks that will be added to the hospital in Elverum. – This is part of the long-term financial plan that we will deal with at the board meeting at the end of September. And we must make a new progress plan for stage two of the concept phase after we have now received the clarifications we needed, says the director. Rootwelt does not believe that other projects in Health South-East will come at the expense of the work with Mjøssykehuset. But Rootwelt will not indicate when he expects the funding to be in place either. MEETING NEXT WEEK: CEO of Helse Sør-Öst, Terje Rootwelt, says they will proceed with the work immediately. Photo: Frode Meskau / news Prolonged dispute After many years of discussion, it was decided in September 2022 in the board of Health South-East, with six out of ten votes, to go in for building the Mjøssjukehuset on Moelv. ​The board decided on an elective hospital in Elverum, i.e. a hospital for planned operations. In addition, they wanted an emergency hospital in Lillehammer. On 1 June, it became known that Helse Sør-Öst would await political clarification before working further with the development of Sykehuset Innlandet. – A good and thorough job has been done up to now, and we will build on this when we get the go-ahead for it, said CEO of Helse Sør-East RHF, Terje Rootwelt, at the time. In the press conference four days later, the government made it clear that they are following up on the decision from the board of Health South-East from autumn 2022. And that they want more activity in the hospital in Elverum than what was in the proposal from Health South-East. Helse Sør-East’s prerequisites for Mjøssykehuset • all 24-hour activity within hospital-based mental health care for adults, children and young people • all 24-hour activity within hospital-based interdisciplinary specialized substance abuse treatment • all 24-hour activity within habilitation and rehabilitation • all specialized 24-hour functions within somatic disciplines • all 24-hour activity from Lillehammer Hospital within the fields of pediatric and adolescent medicine, women’s diseases and neurology• all 24-hour activity from Gjøvik hospital• all 24-hour activity from Hamar hospital• all 24-hour activity from Elverum hospital, except acute and elective internal medicine Source: Helse Sør-East
