Minister of Labor Marte Mjøs Persen (Labor Party) uses compulsory wage board – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Minister of Labor Marte Mjøs Persen (Labor Party) is using a forced wage board to stop the oil strike, she informs news. From midnight, the workers’ organization Lederne took 74 members on strike, which meant that the oil fields Gudrun, Oseberg Sør and Oseberg Øst were closed. On Wednesday, an escalation of the strike with 117 more members was announced. A further escalation on Saturday would have resulted in a total of 382 members going on strike. – The announced escalation is critical in the current situation, both with regard to the energy crisis and the geopolitical situation we are in with a war in Europe, says Minister of Labor and Social Inclusion Marte Mjøs Persen in a press release. Compulsory wage board In Norwegian working life, a forced wage board is a coercive measure that the government can implement to stop an ongoing labor dispute. The intervention is often used because the government believes that the labor dispute threatens life, health or personal safety. But other societal views have also been used as foundations for this in foreign trade and the oil sector in the past. Want more pay The leaders went on strike for more pay to meet the general rise in prices in society. – We can not tolerate a decline in wages over several years. We are not bound by LO and the front-line trade model and can, as an independent union, go on strike, shop steward Hans Fjære Øvrum in Lederne told news earlier today. Concerns in Europe Some of the escalation was a fact, the industry organization Norwegian Oil and Gas estimated that the loss of revenue will be NOK 1.8 billion daily. Analyst Tore Guldbrandsøy in Rystad Energy told news earlier today that the strike created concern in Europe. – There is an energy crisis in Europe, and they lack gas. This, of course, is strongly linked to the war in Ukraine. There is also a large loss of additional gas production from Russia, he said in the case which you can read by clicking on the link below.
