Minister of Health Ingvild Kjerkol takes action regarding the Health Platform – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Kjerkol met the management of Helse Midt-Norge on Friday to discuss the major problems. The record system that has been introduced at St. Olav’s hospital in Trondheim has experienced major challenges, and almost nine out of ten doctors at St. Olav believe that patient safety is threatened because of the record system. Several have pointed out that patient safety is threatened as a result of the introduction, and last week Kjerkol announced that she was going to meet the management to discuss what can be done. Now they have taken action. Merger Among other things, it has been decided that Helse Midt-Norge will investigate and assess a collection of the resources in Helseplattformen AS and Helse Midt-Norge’s wholly-owned ICT service provider, Hemit HF, in order to strengthen capacity and expertise. The purpose is to ensure the best possible utilization of resources in the ongoing work with error correction and improvements. – We are not served by these two competing for the best IT people in the region, says chairman Odd Inge Mjøen to news. – Concerned Minister of Health Kjerkol is not satisfied with the introduction of the Health Platform. – I am concerned about the situation related to the introduction of the Health Platform, particularly at St. Olav’s hospital. As the situation is now, the overall resources in the region are not being used well enough in the work on the Health Platform. It is unfortunate and has undesirable consequences for healthcare organizations and municipalities in central Norway. Many employees have been clear that the workload has worsened, and several have considered leaving St. Olav’s hospital because of the introduction. The minister understands the situation. – It is obvious that the burden on the employees at St. Olav’s hospital and Helseplattformen AS has been very high over a long period of time. It has been a significant effort during a demanding period. And we are completely dependent on their efforts going forward as well, says Kjerkol in a press release. Will not scrap the health platform The journal system has not been introduced at other hospitals in the region so far due to the major problems at St. Olav. Kjerkol says it is not appropriate to scrap the Health Platform. – There is no real alternative to scrapping the Health Platform. Getting an alternative system in place will take many years and cost billions of kroner. There are billions of kroner that I do not have available, and am not willing to take from the patients. Risks related to patient safety would also be high if new procurement processes were started now. – Discussions about other systems become hypothetical and unconstructive. It would be irresponsible in every way. Now it’s about finding realistic solutions and clarifying roles and responsibilities, says Kjerkol.
