“mini cloud tornado” is said to have occurred outside Troms – news Troms and Finnmark

– We have been watching all day, says meteorologist-consultant Trond Robertsen to news on Saturday afternoon. Yr reported on Saturday what looked like a tornado-like phenomenon, which had formed in the sea west of Kvaløya, which lies outside Tromsø. A local low pressure, combined with fog and light breeze, will be behind the weather phenomenon. Trond Robertsen is on duty at the Meteorological Institute in Tromsø. Photo: Håvard Larsen/met.no Robertsen nevertheless rejects that it is a tornado in the proper sense of the word. – In this case, there is very little wind, so we have to talk about a fog cloud swirl. A tornado will create far more wind. The phenomenon is said to have been eight kilometers wide, and occurred approx. 30 nautical miles outside Kvaløya. One of Nergård Havfiske’s trawlers has been trawling in the area for several days, where the phenomenon occurred on Saturday morning. Photo: Skjermdump Barentswatch.no Fishing skipper: – Haven’t seen anything Robertsen thinks the phenomenon could have been observed, if there were boats nearby, as follows: – It would have got a very low fog cover over it, and suddenly they would come into the middle , where the cloud-free area would appear, surrounded by a gray wall. The trawler Kågtind II has been fishing in the area, the phenomenon must have occurred, for several days. Photo: Havfront news has spoken to the skipper of the fishing boat “Kågtind II”, which has been in the area for several days. He confirms that it is cloudy in the area, but tells news that they have not noticed any unnatural weather phenomenon. – I came on duty, not so long ago, but have not heard anything about there being anything like a wall of fog in the area, says the skipper to news.
