Million difference between Norway and Sweden – NFF announces action – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

Sweden has in fact presented a record-breaking agreement for this championship, where the blue and yellows are among the favorites. The Swedish sums for participation and a possible European Championship gold are far greater than the Norwegian ones. Where Sweden gives 254,000 kroner (261,000 Swedish kroner) to each player to participate, the Norwegian amount is 81,000 kroner. The amount gradually increases throughout the championship. If Sweden goes all the way and takes European Championship gold, the players will earn 563,000 kroner left – a total of 12.9 million kroner. If Norway secures European Championship gold, each player will receive 210,000 kroner – about 5 million in total. Ada Hegerberg and the national team cheered over say over New Zealand at Ullevaal recently. But the sum for a possible European Championship gold is at a completely different level than in Sweden. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Will increase the status The reason for the big difference lies in the distribution of Uefa money. Where Norway gives 25 percent of Uefa’s income to the players, the Swedish association in practice gives everything to the player squad. This is what Sweden’s press manager Jens Anderson told news. – In essence, all compensation that SvFF (Swedish Football Association) receives from Uefa goes directly to the players. We hope, and will work with, that the bonuses will be even higher in the women’s championships in the future, says Andersson. He thinks it is appropriate that the Swedish squad gets a high bonus. – We have one of the best national teams in the world that has come a long way in both the Olympics and the World Cup. We think it is reasonable that the team gets a good bonus based on that. Unfortunately, women’s football continues to be underestimated in the football world. We will do our part to increase the status of the sport and the respect for the athletes, says Andersson. Acting Secretary General Kai-Erik Arstad. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix Guarantees bonus week The Norwegian agreement with 25 percent in the bonus scheme is part of the historic four-year agreement from 2017. The agreement ensures equal pay for the national team, and the men’s national team gave part of their market revenues to women. The agreement secured the women six million kroner a year. Acting Secretary General Kai-Erik Arstad in NFF nevertheless acknowledges that they must look at the bonus scheme in the next agreement period. When news highlights the big difference from Sweden, he answers: – Honor be Sweden for that. Compared to the Swedish national team girls, we are not satisfied that ours gets less. I assume that they finance this through the championship participation for the men. Now our agreement is part of the four-year agreement that was negotiated, but negotiations can take place between Niso / the players and NFF, and the result will be ready in August. Therefore, there will be a larger part and amount from the World Cup next year, says Arstad. – Significant boost EM 2021 was, as is well known, moved to 2022, and thus the agreement also applies to this championship. – Is it relevant to renegotiate the percentage before the European Championships? – No, the players and Niso have paid attention to the agreement, so it does not have our theme, says Arstad. – I guess Niso and the players would negotiate now if the NFF also wanted it? – Yes, assuming that the girls would get more, then they probably would not complain about it. But there are also annual budget processes, and the budget for this year was adopted last year. Sweden has recently changed, and we will change, too. How Sweden finances the participation itself, I do not know for sure. Board, lodging, hotels, travel and precamp in Denmark mean that there is at least six million kroner in expenses just to participate, says Arstad, who points out that NFF contributed financially beyond the funds given from Uefa. Niso leader Erlend Hanstveit emphasizes that the equal pay agreement secured a total of NOK 24 million for the national team women over four years. He is most aware of the large differences in prize money for women and men from Uefa and Fifa. – One of the things we work with is that 25 percent of the prize money is not sufficient. The goodwill from NFF is great, but the room for maneuver when the prize money is as it is, is not very big, Hanstveit says to news. The Uefa pot for the European Championships for men last year was 371 million euros. For the European Championships for women, the prize money is a total of 16 million euros, according to Uefa. – The European Championship bonus depended on the previous agreement, and we can call it bad luck considering that fortunately there has been a rapid development. But the big quibble lies in prize money from Uefa and Fifa. That skeivskapen is a big and heavy ship to turn around, says Hanstveit.
