Milk cartons get Sami text: – Good that others can also learn a little Sami – news Troms and Finnmark

– I think it is good that Sami words are written on everyday items. It means that people who do not speak Sami can learn some everyday words, says Sami-speaking Ilja Birgitte Johnsdatter (13). From the new year, TINE’s milk products will have both Norwegian and Sami text in Troms and Finnmark. Photo: TINE It was a year and a half ago that the Sami Parliament discussed with TINE whether there could also be Sami text on milk cartons, in addition to Norwegian text. Now it will become a reality from the New Year. The matter has been dealt with at the very top of the TINE group. – This is primarily about the fact that the Sami language has a history that stretches far back to before our era. We want to honor all those who contribute to taking care of this important part of Norwegian and Sami cultural heritage, says CEO Gunnar Hovland. CEO of TINE Gunnar Hovland says TINE will assess Sami text on milk cartons in Oslo and in other parts of the country. Photo: Ole Martin Buene / Ole Martin Buene Can come to Oslo In the first instance, it is the milk cartons in Troms and Finnmark that will have Sami text. But the scheme can be extended. The CEO says they will, for example, consider milk cartons with Sami text in Oslo. – For the time being, the Sami-language milk cartons will be bottled at the facilities in Tana and Alta and distributed from there. – Then we will eventually see if we are going to implement this in other parts of the country, says Hovland. Sami text on milk carton Photo: TINE He thinks the new milk cartons can be a competitive advantage. – The most important thing for us has been the Sami culture and the Sami language, that we promote the Sami language for the Norwegian population in this way. Thinks Sami will become part of everyday life Sami Parliament President Silje Karine Muotka believes that both Sami and Norwegian text on milk cartons is an example of an effective method to be able to strengthen the status of the Sami language. – With this, Sami becomes part of everyday life. People get to know Sami through well-known products. This means a lot for the entire Sami community, says Muotka. With Sami text on milk cartons, Sami becomes part of everyday life, says Sami Parliament President Silje Karine Muotka. Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news CEO Gunnar Hovland at TINE is prepared that there may be some negative reactions to Sami text on milk cartons. But says that he will be able to live well with that. – It will be normalized to use Sami Ilja Birgitte Johnsdatter hopes even more groceries will have Sami text. She believes the consequences can be great for the use of the Sami language. – Perhaps this will make it a little more common and more normalized to speak Sami. If there are Sami words everywhere, people might get used to Sami, says Ilja Birgitte Johnsdatter. Ilja Birgitte Johnsdatter and mother Inga Margit Berg Juuso are pleased that several producers of groceries also have Sami text on their products. Photo: Bård Wormdal
