Mild weather causes difficult driving conditions in Trøndelag, Innlandet and Østlandet – news Trøndelag

– I think it has been a relatively calm shift so far, says Per Morten Trymer at Veitrafikksentralen. Two lorry trains ran off the road between Fillan and Sandstad on county road 714 in Hitra on the night of Tuesday. No one was injured, but the cars will be recovered during the morning. Traffic can pass. School buses are standing Otherwise, the Road Traffic Center has not received any reports of problems with driving on the roads. – We have received a few calls from Åfjord and the Fosen area, but otherwise it has been quite calm, says Trymer. Østfold public transport has decided that there will be no school transport in Halden on Tuesday. The municipality writes this on its website. It is slippery in several places in the country, such as here in Halden. Photo: Christian Nygaard Monsen / news They also write that it can be slippery in parts of schoolyards and parking areas at schools. – But the status now is that the scheduled buses will run as normal, says Marthe Nilssen in Boreal to Halden Arbeiderblad. This is in contrast to Monday, when the scheduled buses were running. She says that everything indicates that the school buses can take the students home this afternoon as normal. Yellow warning There has been a good deal of snow in central Norway in recent days. On Sunday, 10-20 centimeters fell in many places. During Tuesday, it is reported that the temperature will rise and that it will be plus degrees. – How do you think the day will be conducted? – It is difficult to say, but those who do maintenance on the roads say that all crews are out. But sometimes the weather conditions are so bad that neither sand nor salt can do anything. But we don’t know that yet, says Trymer. – So far, it’s very good anyway. A yellow warning has been issued for slippery roads. Photo: The Meteorological Institute has issued a yellow danger warning for Trøndelag. – There is a danger of ice, due to rain freezing on the ground or freezing rain. The danger starts furthest south, beyond Tuesday also further north. The rain can freeze to ice on the ground, as well as on vehicles and other objects. There will be local differences.
