Mikkel Rev traveled by boat from Horten to Moss – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

In the absence of suitable ice to speed across, the fox chose to enter Asko’s self-driving boat when it was about to “travel” across the fjord on Friday last week. Both the crew on the boat and the Wildlife Board thought that reefing was a bad idea. VG mentioned the case first. Lured with chocolate It was Bjørnar Flaa Sørum, electrician on board, who first spotted the unusual stowaway on Friday. He had just disconnected the shore power cable, and was on his way to the bridge, when he made eye contact with a creature he had not expected to meet on board. – I really scuttled, he says. The fox had hid under a cargo trolley, and made no attempt to leave the ship. As a result, all work came to a complete halt, and the focus was on chasing it on land. It was easier said than done. Bjørnar Flaa Sørum, electrician on Asko’s autonomous boat “Therese”. Photo: Privat They don’t have a canteen on board, but one of the crew fished out an energy bar. Mikkel the fox found it exciting, and voluntarily came over to the very temporary “food danger”. – When we crackled with the paper, it became very interested. They thought it would be possible to lure it off the ship, but as many know, Mikkel is more voracious than that. – He grabbed it, and disappeared inside the boat again. Joined until Moss Tiden passed, and in order to keep the timetable roughly as planned, the crew decided to set course for Moss, with the fox on board. However, the seafarers decided to contact the game board. The latter lined up on the quay on arrival, and with cunning and cunning they finally managed to catch the fox in a trap. Mikkel tore around the boat between Horten and Moss. Photo: Bjørnar Flaa Sørum – They first tried to lure him with a deer heart, but he would have none of that. The solution was chocolate, says Sørum. According to VG, it is not the first time the fox has gone on a trip by boat. It is likely that it first crept by ferry from Bastøy to Horten, before making its way further in the direction of Moss. On Bastøy, several foxes have almost become tame, after they have become used to getting food from inmates. However, the boat trip to Moss was to turn out to be fateful. The Game Board decided to send the fox to the eternal hunting grounds.
