Men in women’s land – Expression

Softness has become the new ideal, and men should, as far as possible, be socialized to become more feminine and peaceful. We have to talk about feelings, sit quietly, take our medicine if we are too upset, and god forbid any kind of fighting. The man has become the primitive and banal, while the woman has become the ideal social democratic citizen. As a man, you can feel like a holdover from another time. It already starts at an early age. We have got a school that systematically discriminates against boys. It is well documented that boys develop impulse control later than girls. They are more restless, perform better when there is competition and generally like rougher activities. Today we have a feminized school system, where boys meet female teachers and kindergarten teachers throughout the early years. They are asked to sit still and are disliked by teachers when they are mischievous. The advantage they have in gym is offset by the fact that girls have lower requirements in the subject. This is how we have arrived at a situation where increasingly large proportions of studies in higher education are dominated by women. The boy problem The boy problem consists in what we should do with the troubled boys. For our species, like other species, we see characteristic symptoms that young men and males are far more resistant to socialization. It is, for example, far more challenging to ride in a young stallion than other horses. They rebel more, are wilder and are often driven by a strong gender drive. The same is the case for goats, male dogs and bulls. Young men are unruly, strong, rebellious, horny and messy. Historically, we have always had some kind of war to send them to. We have had hunting, heavy physical work and discipline. Young men need discipline, because men can be dangerous. So to speak, all wars, all violence, murder, assault, drug dealing and theft, have at all times, in all cultures, been done predominantly by men. On the other hand, they can also be brave, strong and self-sacrificing. There have been by far the most men who have sacrificed themselves in defense of family and fatherland. It has mostly been men who have built our houses, our infrastructure, put food on the table, created our art and written our books. There is an inherent restlessness, violence and craving for status in men. Equality in war and love? Despite our modern civilized appearance, we humans are still also primitive creatures. In our sexual life, we see that women usually choose to rise in status, despite all the talk about equality. Women are attracted to masculine, tall men with position and status. Men without status who seethe and cry don’t get elected, so we don’t cry. We keep it inside, sacrifice life and health. And we work. Some can handle the pressure, others don’t. More and more men remain involuntarily single and childless. Incels, all the involuntarily single young men, have been widely discussed in the media, but often in a somewhat contemptuous and poor way. Far more men become intoxicated, and more than twice as many men kill themselves. Of all those in prison, 95 percent are men. Many of them could have needed help rather than punishment. We live in peacetime and don’t know what to do with the boys. We castrate males, we give males ADHD medication, shame and punishment. It works halfway, but not for everyone. When there is war, however, we suddenly need the men nobody wants. They are heroes in war and problem children in peace. In Ukraine, they blocked the borders for fighting men, and now they are dying by the thousands. This is actually one of the most sexist laws implemented in recent times, without anyone seeming to care about it. The state as husband The state has taken over the husband’s role. The welfare state has made it easier to have children alone. We have child support, free school, the police as protection, a well-developed healthcare system and more equal wages. The new Biotechnology Act also gives single women the right to have children alone through artificial insemination. In this way, the state has in many ways become the husband of the modern woman, while there is terribly little need for the man. Before, the man was provider, nurturer, father and protector, now he is redundant. This has created the remarkable situation that more and more childless men live in solitude and finance the upbringing of other people’s children. The woman has received the welfare state for her husband. Men are less ill, take more risks and seek help less often, while at the same time contributing the most tax revenue and taking on the most crap jobs in our essential infrastructure. Therefore, it is perhaps not surprising that more and more men want to dismantle the state, and are pulling towards the right side of politics? Fathers, sons and brothers When these topics are brought up, we quickly end up in an assertive and unvarnished debate about gender. It is claimed that all differences between men and women are due to culture or discrimination, and it is taken as an undeniable truth that it is women we must help with equality. It is exclusively the woman who is marginalized, and all differences are due to society. I don’t think so. In the absence of good role models and acceptance of male characteristics, young boys turn to influencers like Andrew Tate. People who at least don’t ask them to hate themselves for the restlessness they know as men. Who don’t call them toxic just because they find sex, violence and cars a bit exciting, as men may have always done. Don’t get me wrong, I love the peace, prosperity and equality we have been given. I also think we can agree that the male ideals that Tate represents are neither good for society, nor for the young boys who follow him. At the same time, I sometimes feel inadequate as a man in the modern world. It’s like I have to constantly strive to fit into a role that doesn’t come naturally to me. We can talk as much as we want about gender roles and culture, but the male restlessness will remain. To claim otherwise fails our boys, for it is wicked to make a creature despise its own nature. I therefore ask you, dear women, to think about the men in your lives. Think of their fathers, husbands, sons and brothers. Think about these men you love after all, and see them as they are, for better or for worse. How they bite their feelings, build plating, wash the car and are occasionally a bit brusque. Do you want a society where they will feel guilt and shame for being men, or one where we take their difference seriously, and create an equal society despite our differences? For my own part, I feel strongly ambivalent about the fact that I am a man. Sometimes I think it feels like the man’s qualities are undesirable in today’s society. As if we are remnants from a different and harder time. A time when we were still useful and valued as men. If there was some cure, I might take it. So I had let go of the restlessness, and the feeling that being a man is something bad. Tell me, is this an equal feeling? Also read:
