Men in Grorud have a three times greater risk of getting lung cancer than men in Vestre Aker – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– What we see is an established pattern over a long period of time with axes between east and west in the city. The figures often show marked differences between the various districts, says district manager Christine Lager Nesje at the Cancer Society’s district office in Oslo to NTB. She says that there are several factors that can play a role. Including socio-economic life situation and different health, but also exposure and lifestyle-related choices. – Lung cancer is often, but not always, associated with smoking, says Nesje. More mole cancer on the western edge There is a higher incidence of melanoma, or skin cancer, on the western edge than on the eastern edge. – We believe this is linked to socio-economic dividing lines. Reasons may be that the people who live there, on average, can better afford trips abroad, or have more free time where they can sunbathe and be exposed to sudden tanning. At the same time, there is also a greater risk of women in the districts of Vestre Aker, Frogner and Sankthanshaugen getting breast cancer than among women in the districts of Grorud, Stovner and Alna. – Competence must be increased Nesje praises Oslo municipality for implementing a strategy to equalize social differences in the various districts via the public health strategy. At the same time, she says that the Cancer Society believes it is too late. – Unfortunately, we are not surprised by these differences we see. The trends have persisted over many years. We are impatient and want a change. Unfortunately, we do not believe that enough measures have been put in place to do something about the reasons why we get these differences, nor a good enough follow-up of the various needs that arise. Nesje points out that reports have previously shown that the difference in life expectancy from east to west is six years from the inner east edge to the outer west edge in Oslo. – We believe that the districts should be strengthened in their work. Often, education is a key. People with lower education are diagnosed with cancer at a later stage when it is more difficult to cure. – Health skills must be increased, and strengthened local cancer care is necessary, she says. (© NTB)
