Meløy Energi pays customers to switch electricity contracts – news Nordland

This spring, members of the Facebook group “Prismatch Strøm” were tipped off that it was possible to secure a very good deal with Meløy Energi in Nordland. The power company offered customers in southern Norway to commit for 126 øre/kWh – and the orders poured in. Overnight they got 800 customers in southern Norway who signed a very favorable agreement. Since then, Meløy Energi has lost millions. Many millions. The situation is so serious that they now want to pay customers to switch contracts. Meløy Energi writes today on its website that they fear the company will go bankrupt: “The many favorable fixed price agreements we sold are now causing major losses for Meløy Energi. If we have to continue supplying power to those of our customers who have entered into the fixed price agreements in question, Meløy Energi will in all likelihood not survive the winter.” Letter to all customers in the south The agreement was removed within a day, but the damage had already been done. For Meløy Energi, the problem is that they have to buy expensive electricity in the south and sell it cheaper to southerners with a gilded agreement. A purely loss-making project for the company, which is wholly owned by Meløy municipality. news has previously written that the loss could amount to several tens of millions of kroner. The electricity subsidy has also meant that Meløy Energi has lost even more money as customers have used more electricity than normal. Now it will soon be over, unless the customers choose to change their agreement. In an e-mail to customers, Meløy Energi explains how serious the situation is: news has been in contact with Meløy Energi’s chairman Rolf Inge Sleipnes. He tells news that he will not make a statement until all customers are well informed. Wants to pay customers to switch agreements In the email, Meløy Energi writes that they want to find a solution to the situation. Therefore, they offer customers the following if they switch from a fixed price to a spot price: – Based on your expected annual normal consumption between xxxxx kWh and xxxxx kWh, and the remaining term of the agreement, we offer you a one-off payment of: NOK XXXX. The one-off payment varies from customer to customer based on how much electricity they use. news has received letters from relevant customers who have been offered NOK 2,000. news also knows of another customer who has received an offer of NOK 4,000. Meløy municipality owns Meløy Energi. Photo: Kasper Holgersen / news Meløy municipality owns Meløy Energi. The mayor, Sigurd Stormo (Ap), describes the situation as follows: – It is a serious situation. It will clearly affect the company and us who own the company 100 per cent. – It is actually a crisis for us.
