Melodi Grand Prix 2023 – the songs from the third semi-final – Reviews and recommendations

About the reviewers Espen Borge Music reviewer at news. Most streamed artist: Mac DeMarco Time’s Norwegian MGP song: “La det swinge” by Bobbysocks MGP favorite of the year: Eirik Næss Fetisha Williams Influencer and host of “Sophie og Fetisha” My most streamed artist: Men I Trust Time’s Norwegian MGP song : “What I want” by Stiffi MGP favorite of the year: My father! (Byron Williams Jr., journalist note) But a bulletproof number 2 is Skrellex. He gives me very MELODI GRAND PRIX. Glitz, glam, gay elegance I never tire of. Skrellex: “Love again” Lyrics and melody: Kai Thomas Ryen Larsen, Michael James Down, Will Taylor, Primoz Poglajen, and Jonas Gladnikoff. THE MAN BEHIND THE WOMAN: Kai Thomas Larsen, the man behind Skrellex, has been a music and show artist since 2007. In MGP he participates as the drag artist Skrellex, known from, among other things, “All Together Now” on TV Norge. Now she is ready to bring the whole of Norway together in dance with “Love again”. Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad / news Fetisha Williams:??Fetisha Williams: I’m a real Skrellex fan! Espen Borge: What a moss! Espen Borge: The Skrellex vocals may not be revolutionary, but it’s hard not to get infected by the energy here. Fetisha Williams: This gave me REAL MGP vibes. I LOVE!Fetisha Williams: I feel like I can already imagine everything from outfits to confetti ??Fetisha Williams:Espen Borge:Unfortunately, I think maybe the melody is a bit too old-fashioned to attract the audience, but for me this works like a sausage in a waffle. Espen Borge:Fetisha Williams:This is already an MGP classic in my eyes!Espen Borge:I think I could have danced to this for exactly 15 seconds, but it takes more on my fitness.Espen Borge:Eurodance with 1200% bone-hard drive .Fetisha Williams: This is Melodi Grand Prix super-ELEGANZA! Fetisha Williams: It will be iconic to see Skrellex do this live ❤️ Akuvi: “Triumph” Lyrics and melody: Beatrice Akuvi Hosen Kumordzie, Andreas Stone Johansson, Anderz Wrethov and Konstantinos Vlastaras . TRIUMPHANT RHYTHMS: Akuvi is a Norwegian-Ghanaian artist, and has spent the last few years in South Africa to develop his musical landscape. She mixes Afrobeats with lyrics ripped straight from the diary. Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad / news Fetisha Williams: Super catchy! Fetisha Williams: I dream of going back to warmer regions when I listen to this song. Espen Borge: I thought this was eurodance at first, but it’s not both RnB and reggaeton! Espen Borge: A genre-confused song that explodes with completely new twists at every corner. Espen Borge: Fetisha Williams: I haven’t heard of Akuvi before, but I have to say I feel like I’m getting to know her well through this song! Espen Borge: Can’t quite put my finger on it, but I get very excited about things like this. Perhaps it is because it is perceived as completely unpredictable and because Akuvi has a cool voice. Fetisha Williams: Catchy song with lots of pressure! Also really appreciate her voice. However, I feel I have heard something similar before. Espen Borge: Huh? If you think you could predict where this song went, I don’t believe you. Espen Borge: This is completely strange and very atypical for MGP! I think this will appeal to everyone who likes melodic RnB-pop-reggaeton-eurodance. Hehe. Fetisha Williams: This is a super pop song, with carnival antecedents. Fetisha Williams: I’m thinking about FIFA, does that make sense?? Fetisha Williams: Espen Borge: Espen Borge: Very cool when MGP participants dare to just rock out all kinds of weird. Stig van Eijk: “Someday” Lyrics and melody: Stig van Eijk and Beate Helen Thunes. BACK FOR THE TROPHY: Stig won the MGP in 1999, and has since worked as a songwriter and producer both in South Africa and Colombia. With the reggae song “Someday”, he has a message he wants to spread about awareness and relationships. Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad / news Espen Borge: My childhood hero! … Have become a 9 year old girl? Jøss. Espen Borge: No, here he comes, yes. Plays a proper top 20 reggae, with a much rawer voice than he had the last time I heard him in 1999. Fetisha Williams: Yes, this smells like reggae, soul and a bit of Latin American vibes! Fetisha Williams: Fresh and upbeat, but not quite my aesthetic in terms of music. So this one goes completely to taste in my eyes!Fetisha Williams:Espen Borge:Van Eijk must have a completely different thing for him to drive than most other MGP participants. Espen Borge: Wild reunion, but it will take a while before reggae blows me off the track, that is. Espen Borge: Fetisha Williams: A reggae song with a little Nordic sprinkle! Fetisha Williams: ☀️???Espen Borge: This is mostly suitable for hammock life on a deserted island, but it was in any case completely unexpected. Espen Borge: Eline Thorp “Not Meant to Be” Lyrics and melody: Jonas Holteberg Jensen, Andreas Stone Johansson, Elsa Søllesvik, and Eline Thorp. COURAGE IN THE CHEST: Eline began her music career when she was 16, but disappeared from the limelight due to stage fright eight years ago. Now she swallows her fear and makes a comeback in MGP. Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad / news Atle Pettersen: “Masterpiece” Text and melody: Andreas Stone Johansson, Hannah Dorothy Bristow, and Atle Pettersen. SOUND FAMILIAR?: Atle Pettersen has become a regular in Norwegian music and TV programmes, especially in the combination of the two: singing competitions. From X-Factor and Stjernekamp to his latest contribution in MGP 2021, he has thrown his voice into the ring to win the hearts of the Norwegian public. Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad / news Espen Borge: The lamest song of all time. I can’t do this, ass. Espen Borge: I want to stop being a music reviewer forever. Espen Borge: Fetisha Williams: I think the song gives soft and delicious list pop. Fetisha Williams: ????‍❤️‍??Espen Borge: What a bloated ballad, I hoped we finished this here at the end of the 80s. Now it seems as if we’ve fired up the old assembly lines and started printing out record-small darling plums again. Espen Borge: Atle Pettersen has a strong vocal, but you really can’t sing about love like that here. Fetisha Williams: Atle has a nice voice and I think this song brings that out properly. This is a song I’m looking forward to hearing and seeing live! Espen Borge: This song is like seeing someone rough on the bus or calling sex love. Fetisha Williams: Disagree… I like the song, I think it’s nice. But I feel like I’ve heard it before!Fetisha Williams:Espen Borge:The very worst thing about love is that it provides fertile ground for things like this.Espen Borge:I can never, ever hear this again. And I KNOW I have to do it at least one more time. Maria Celin “Freya” Lyrics and melody: Sindre Timberlid Jenssen, Anna Timgren, Gaute Ormåsen, Benjamin Alasu, and Erik Fjeld. VIRAL VOICE: Maria has been on stage since she was nine years old. She then competed on The Voice, where her cover of Beyoncé’s “Runnin'” went viral. Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad / news Fetisha Williams: This is modern folk music!Fetisha Williams:??‍♀️??Espen Borge: With that title I feared another forest song. Espen Borge: The chorus here is really good – finally someone who has understood that a strong vocal hook works like hell in MGP. Espen Borge: Espen Borge: Not only that, they’ve really costed themselves a little string solo as well. Fetisha Williams: Really cool song with lots of pressure! The voice of Maria Celin suits this song well. I also think this could be a really fun performance. Fetisha Williams: She serves both a little Aleksander Rybak and hulder, LOVE! Espen Borge: I think the warlike energy in that song will work, but maybe the Nordic thing is a bit passé? Espen Borge: Frøya was the goddess of the crazy trio war, fertility and love, and here all have been given their place. Fetisha Williams: If Huldra was Astrid S and Aleksander Rybak had a child = this song.Fetisha Williams: Espen Borge: Dance tribute to Frøya. Not the island, but the goddess. Next year, I hope the island of Frøya will get its own song. Tiril Beisland: “Break it” Lyrics and melody: Emma Steinbakken, Lars Rossnes, and Benjamin Pinkus. BEISER ON: Tiril has attended the LIMPI music school in recent years, and worked to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming an artist. When she takes the stage on Saturday, it is a hopeful step closer to its coming true. Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad / news ‘Fetisha Williams: First of all, Tiril’s voice is so insanely beautiful! Here it is clearly the one who carries. Espen Borge: Yes, lovely vocals! Tiril’s voice is so damn distinctive. Didn’t know her before, so this was surprising. Espen Borge: But then it’s an extra pity that the song is about as exciting as oat biscuits. Fetisha Williams: Actually like the song very much, but feel it gives the least Melodi Grand Prix? There is nothing wrong with that by the way!! Fetisha Williams: Super excited about this live performance. Espen Borge: Here there is a lack of a catchy melody, so the result is that the unique voice has been given a very un-unique song to hold in your hand. Espen Borge: A bit as if Elvis were to rap. Doesn’t fit!Espen Borge:Fetisha Williams:Disagree, the song is like something out of a movie!Fetisha Williams:A really nice song that Tiril sings her soul out of!Espen Borge:Imagine if Tiril had gotten a soul or jazz song instead! Would probably have worked better. Fetisha Williams: No, this song is so nice!! ? Heartbreak, but in a good way! Fetisha Williams: Espen Borge: Espen Borge: There are more than enough piano ballads in MGP, and in the world in general really . Then they have to have Billy Joel level on the melodies to work. FYI: The guest reviewer in this article, Fetisha Williams, is the daughter of artist Byron Williams Jr. who participated in the first semi-final.
