Meiner police give victims responsibility for abuse in Facebook posts – news Vestland

– Dear young people, do not put yourself in situations where you can get into trouble or have bad experiences, write the police in Sogn in a longer post on Facebook on 10 June. In the Facebook post, the police point out that the festival summer is approaching and give advice to parents and young people. The text from the police in Sogn 10 June 2022 This text was published on 10 June 2022. The police point out that the text has been edited afterwards. IT’S SUMMER AND FESTIVAL TIME You have the new white shoes on. You have obtained alcohol, it is the cheapest. The boy you are in love with is also going to the party. The expectations are high. The first festival two days to end after the pandemic break. You are finally 15 years old, confirmed this spring and ready for life. Your girlfriend and you are ready for a party, but fast forward. Intervention above children The police can show away or bring home children who wander around on their own in a public place after 22:00. The police can also take care of children as a result of an incident that clearly entails a serious risk to the children’s health. If necessary, call the child welfare authorities. The police can also intervene above children over the age of 15 if there is reason to believe that the intervention will be possible. The police statutes for both Sogndal and Luster municipality state that children under the age of 15 do not have access to public dance or similar public events without being together with parents or other guardians. The white shoes are no longer white. You are restless, drunk and have vomited on your clothes. The guy you’m in love with, fucked another girl. Your friend got away from you and the battery on your phone is flat. You lie down outside to rest for a while. A group of boys come over and wonder if you are doing well. You’ve been sleeping for a moment. They film you on Snapchat where you lie restless and alone with vomit on your clothes. You do not have much to contend with no. One guy sticks his hand in your pants, and the other guys laugh. You’re trying to get away. They are more numerous and stronger than you. The description is not unique and unfortunately something the police experience too often. This is a prayer for the youth and parents. Dear young people, do not put yourself in situations where you can get into trouble or have bad experiences. You make the choice yourself about what you drink, how much you drink and whether you leave. But remember that taking drugs dulls your senses so that you make less wise judgments than if you were sober. Be forewarned, make good deals with your friends and always have enough power on your phone. Do not walk alone. If you see that someone needs help, is too drunk and alone, contact an adult. Dear parents, make sure your youth has a plan for how he or she gets home. Know who they are with. Do not send your child to a party until he or she is ready. Who are you this weekend? Are you available if your child needs you? Who can your child call if the accident happens? We hope it’s you and that you’re there! We in the police will be there, and we will prevent and do our job. But we need your help. They are more than us! Wishing you a nice festival summer with many good memories! The post has made more people react. Natalina Heia is a lawyer and one of those behind the Instagram account 1000historier, which conveys stories about violence and rape. She also has an Instagram account where she gives advice to women who experience violence and abuse. When she read the post from the police in Sogn, she thought that the responsibility had been transferred to the girls. Heia meiner the text focuses on the fact that one as a woman and a girl must be careful not to be raped, among other things with formulations about alcohol use. – The police should not feed on the type of discrimination and prejudice against girls, but rather talk about consent between two parties and about safe and secure sex, she says. – I thought that it was very well meant from the police to remind young people to take care of each other, but that it will be the wrong focus, says Natalina Heia. Photo: PRIVATE – As the post was first formulated by the police, do they mean the police are responsible for the abuse and rape of the victim? – Yes, I actually think so. It says nothing about the responsibility others have for not raping, obtaining consent, taking care of the person in question, says Heia. She said that they have received strong reactions after they shared the text from the police on their Instagram account. Meiner girls are imposed more responsibility Mie Svarstad has also reacted to the post. She is a teacher in high school and was tipped off about the post by a student who thought the police put responsibility on the victim. Many young people have their first festival experience this year. Photo: Oliander Taule – Not a single word in that post emphasized that what the guys in the imaginary scenario did is actually punishable, says Svarstad. She believes that women and girls are to a far greater extent responsible for not putting themselves in danger, than one sees campaigns to make boys and men aware. – No young women or men should feel ashamed and afraid to report to the police, because the government has already laid down the guideline that “one must take care of oneself in order not to be abused”. This post posted 1000stories on Instagram. Photo: Photo: Svarstad thinks it is great that the police encourage increased parental presence, but thinks it will be too one-sided focus on the young people not to end up in vulnerable situations. – What about encouraging parents to talk about not exploiting anyone in a vulnerable situation? It was a small but important adjustment, she adds. The police have changed the post The police have made changes to the Facebook post after the reactions that have come. Police Chief in Sogn og Fjordane Arne Johannessen emphasizes that the post from the police’s side was written with the best intentions with advice for parents and young people. He adds that the post had a preventive perspective more than a criminal law perspective. – Then I see that there are some formulations that can be misunderstood, but let there never be any doubt: The police are very clear that abuse is always the abuser’s responsibility, he says. The police chief in Sogn og Fjordane is happy to receive feedback. – We have assessed it and see that it is important to take seriously and make changes so that misunderstandings are removed. Photo: Bård Siem / news Johannessen points out that the police as part of a preventive work will disseminate knowledge that women and men who are intoxicated are more exposed to abuse. – Is there enough focus on those who commit abuse? – There is an absolute focus when the police communicate with young people in various contexts. There is always a focus on the person who commits physical abuse – it is their responsibility and no one else’s. Heia thinks it is good that the police have taken the feedback and changed the post, but thought the police could be clearer. – Especially talking about consent. It is an important topic to address in both boys and girls. The new Facebook post from the police in Sogn The Facebook post to the police in Sogn after the original text was edited: IT’S SUMMER AND FESTIVAL TIME You have the new white shoes on. You have obtained alcohol, it is the cheapest. The boy you are in love with is also going to the party. The expectations are high. The first festival two days to end after the pandemic break. You are finally 15 years old, confirmed this spring and ready for life. Your girlfriend and you are ready for a party, but fast forward. The police can show away or bring home children who drive around on their own in a public city after 22:00. The police can also take care of children as a result of an incident that clearly entails a serious risk to the children’s health. If necessary, call the child welfare authorities. The police can also intervene above children over the age of 15 if there is reason to believe that the intervention will be possible. The police statutes for both Sogndal and Luster municipality state that children under the age of 15 do not have access to public dance or similar public events without being together with parents or other guardians. The white shoes are no longer white. You are restless, drunk and have vomited on your clothes. The guy you’m in love with, fucked another girl. Your friend got away from you and the battery on your phone is flat. You lie down outside to rest for a while. A group of boys come over and wonder if you are doing well. You’ve been sleeping for a moment. They film you on Snapchat where you lie restless and alone with vomit on your clothes. One guy puts his hand in your pants and the other guys laugh. You’re trying to get away. They are more numerous and stronger than you. The description is not unique and unfortunately something the police experience too often. This is a prayer for the youth and parents. Be forewarned, make good deals with your friends and always have enough power on your phone. If you see that someone needs help, is too drunk and alone, contact an adult. Dear parents, make sure your youth has a plan for how he or she gets home. Know who they are with. Do not send your child to a party until he or she is ready. Who are you this weekend? Are you available if your child needs you? Who can your child call if the accident happens? We hope it’s you and that you’re there! We in the police will be there, and we will prevent and do our job. But we need your help. They are more than us! Wishing you a nice festival summer with many good memories!
