Meiner health service stopped caring after she had given birth – news Vestland

– Once the children were out of the body, it was only they who were in focus. No one asked “how are you?”, “How do you cope with becoming a mother again?” or “do you have ailments or pains?”, says stepmother Jeanett Ljostveit. Ljostveit describes that she had a good support system when she was pregnant. If anything should happen, she was sure that someone was there to receive her. But when she had given birth, the close follow-up suddenly disappeared. It is the experience she has after both of her births. After the first birth, she developed a severe postpartum depression. After the second, a twin birth, she had diastase, so that she now has a six centimeter gap between the abdominal muscles. – When I had given birth and something first happened, there was no support apparatus anymore. This photo was shared by Ljostveit on Instagram. She does not have a large enough space between the abdominal muscles for her to have surgery covered. Photo: Private – A kind of incubator Ljostveit has shared his experience on his instagram account. – The support device is only available while you have the baby in your womb. Then you are important, because you are a kind of incubator for a new person. As soon as the new person is coming out of the body, you are no longer important. Then it’s just the child it’s about, she says. She asked her followers if they had similar or other problems after having children, for which they did not receive help. Then it flowed in with messages. AAndrea: AndreaAfter childbirth and grade 2 rupture, it has hurt during intercourse every time. Both before and after, which has also caused bleeding every time … the sex life is virtually non-existent as it eats away at knowing that it will hurt for a long time. Been to a gynecologist afterwards at her own expense, but she seems everything looked normal and thought I had to give the body a little longer … 1 year ago birth and I miss being normal in the relationship, it erodes both when it is like that ?TTrine: TrineÆ got lowered bladder should give birth! (Bladder prolapse possibly) was told to try to hold me, even though d skoill nothing t before æ pee must out ? d va it help! LLisa: LisaPsychiatric help after birth !! Had a traumatic birth that has affected me so much that now 4 years later I still do not dare to get pregnant again – even if the desire is great .. Got an offer to talk to a priest .. (?!) And referred to a psychologist with it the wait it meant – it was too late for me. I needed help there and then, not half a year later..KKari: KariAt 6 weeks check at the GP I asked if he could check if I have diastase and recommend how I can train (I read that it can be bad from the wrong training) . He had never heard of diastase. And his advice was that he has never heard of such problems after birth I should just do whatever (with a little common sense). I felt that it was trivialized …. PPia: PiaHalebone pain …. Occurred during pregnancy and cracked during childbirth. (…) I was told by a physiotherapist that I should not sit so much. Had 3 children at 3 years. Not much time to sit, and I could not sit either. Was met by a lot of ignorance and prejudice. A mother told that when she finally got to a psychologist, the message was that her psyche was good at the bottom. She was advised aupair and a self-help book. Several have written that they do not know if they dare to have more children. Ljostveit got over fifty stories in the inbox. – The common denominator is that they are not heard, that their ailments are downplayed or that they are told to take the time to help, says Ljostveit. – It has failed in several stages This experience is not Ljostveit alone about, according to the Midwives Association. – We have warned for many years that maternity care is a balancing item, and that it is certainly not a good enough offer, says leader Kari Aarø. Tenant in the Midwifery Association, Kari Aarø. Photo: Synne Sørenes Dei has heard many voices from users who do not feel seen, and who feel that they are being pushed out of the hospital and into no offer. Aarø points out that when the length of stay at the hospital has decreased from 4 to 2.6 days, it requires more from the municipalities. – It is the intention that the municipalities should be equipped to receive them and offer home visits. But they have neither the capacity nor the finances to do so. Here it has failed in several stages. Wants a set race When Ljostveit had her first child, she had a nice pregnancy. She did not see that there would be any problem after the birth. Then she got a severe postpartum depression. – Once you stand in the middle of it, you do not have the strength to stand up for yourself. Then it is very difficult to ask for that help, she says. She sees an ideal situation with a fixed course after birth, in the same way as in pregnancy. – If we had only had two regular follow-ups, those in need could have been picked up and offered help. Today, the follow-up is such that after you leave the hospital, it is recommended that the midwife visits you at home within two days. It is also recommended that you book an appointment with your GP six weeks after the birth. According to Aarø, there is great variation in what the municipalities offer. In recent years, more and more people have received home visits. Figures from Statistics Norway show that 53.2 per cent received a home visit from a midwife within three days of returning home. In 2021, 56,060 children were born in Norway. This means that around 26,000 women did not receive home visits. Bergen municipality, where Ljostveit lives, offers home visits. – It may happen that someone does not get a home visit. I’m not satisfied with that. Our goal is to offer it to everyone, says Aina Holevik, midwife and advisor in the municipality. Aarø in the midwives’ association tells that the members of the organization are despairing. – The government says they are investing in women’s health. Maternity is absolutely women’s health. Our encouragement to the Minister of Health is that we get new models that provide continuity in care, she says. Meiner maternity care is good The Midwives’ Association thinks it’s time to look at new models, where a team follows the mothers in pregnancy, birth and childbirth. They refer, among other things, to a large study from the Oslo Met. – The study shows that women who have given birth want closer care, says Aarø. According to Karl Kristian Bekeng in the Ministry of Health and Care Services, work is underway. Jeanett Ljostveit calls for a more determined race after birth. Photo: Maria Gunnarsdotter Svedal The Ministry of Health and Care Services is now working on a national health and collaboration plan. This includes maternity care. – The Hurdal platform mentions that we must look at staffing, financing and organization. The goal is to create a holistic food and maternity service, so that one experiences that it is a coherent service, he says. He points out that a lot of resources are spent on maternity care, but especially on those who have major challenges after childbirth. – I want to say that it is a good maternity care. There may be some who think there should be a broader public offer. This is one of the things we can look at when working with the health and interaction plan. – We lose labor After she had twins, Ljostveit has had six centimeters of space between her abdominal muscles. – It means that every time I eat, I look pregnant. There is nothing that holds things in place, and the stomach bulges out, says Ljostveit. For some, the abdominal muscles contract again by themselves. If they do not do so, one can perform an operation where the abdominal muscles are sewn together. Ljostveit’s space and her physical ailments are not large enough to cover the procedure. – The alternative is to fix it privately, but it is not something I can afford in a life with three small children. She thinks the care one has for maternity women in Norway is shameful. She received over fifty messages on Instagram, where women referred to small and large, physical and mental ailments. – We are encouraged to have more children, at the same time as there is no kind of safety net to pick you up if things go wrong when you have children. She points out that several of those who wrote to her can no longer work full-time. – We lose manpower due to ailments that come from birth, so if it is a question of money, then I think we lose a lot because we do not get that follow-up. – I went into having children in a very naive way. If I had known more about what could happen, I might not think I would have dared to have children, says Ljostveit. Photo: Maria Gunnarsdotter Svedal Hi! Thank you for reading the whole case I have written. Do you have input on the case? Do you have similar experiences or have you perhaps received close follow-up during childbirth? Or maybe you have something completely different on your mind? Then I would like to hear from you!
