“Megatown” is the first of its kind in Norway and probably also in the world – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– There is one who rides backwards and one who is shot down from a roof! Morten Kvarme in Megabandet is enthusiastic when he describes “Megatown”, the upcoming western film in which he plays an executioner. All the roles, close to 70, are played by people with disabilities. – This has not been done in Norway before. And as far as we have found out, not on a worldwide basis either, notes producer Ole Jørgen Flått in Tickgarden. Ole Jørgen Flått is the producer of the film “Megatown”. Photo: Christine Breivik Øen / news Filmed in five days The mega band is a member of the national organization Dissimilis, a musical offer for the developmentally disabled. On the occasion of Megaband’s 30th anniversary, a music video was to be made. But the good idea grew. The music video became a full-length feature film, “Megatown”. With support from, among others, Bufdir and Sparebank1, the film became a reality. The western film “Megatown” is probably the first in Norway where all the actors in leading roles have a disability. A film crew rented the High Chaparral cowboy theme park in Sweden, and set off with 70 inexperienced cowboys and completed the filming in just five days. – They handled that absolutely brilliantly! boasts Flått about the debuting actors. Morten Kvarme is happy to tell a little more about the action. – There is a huge explosion, and someone who is going to jump on a speeding train, and a bank that is going to be robbed, but there is no money there because the owner of the bank has run away with the money! The Megaband * The Megaband was started in 1990, and is a musical offer for the developmentally disabled in Drammen.*The number of members is over 60, who are divided into four bands and one choir.*The members of the Megaband are between the ages of 12 and 70. *They are regular participants every year at the Dissimilisfestivalen in Oslo in June, and they always hold a concert during the Elvefestivalen in Drammen.*On the occasion of the band’s 30th anniversary, a cowboy music video was to be made – which developed into an all-night feature film, “Megatown”, which has premiere in January 2023. (Source: Megabandet.no) No rowdy executioner The fresh actor sits tensely outside the cutting room in Drammen. Soon, Morten will see himself as a real actor for the first time in the unique film. According to Morten, “Megatown” is a western musical with both action, humor and complications. Cowboy films are by no means unknown to the fresh western star. – Clint Eastwood! I like him, watched some of his movies. And then I’ve seen the TV series Bonanza. Morten himself had to settle for playing the executioner John Blund in “Megatown”. The film was shot at the High Chaparral amusement park in Sweden. Photo: Screenshot from “Megatown” – Would you rather be a bit like Clint Eastwood, wouldn’t you? – Naaaaaay. I got quite a lot of action. But even if he the executioner is actually going to kill someone, he is kind, reassures Morten. He explains: When the executioner John Blund pulls the noose over the head of the condemned man, and the latter complains that the rope is rough and itchy, the friendly executioner rushes to the shop and buys a soft and good rope … – Who said that hanging must be an unpleasant and painful experience? as he says in the film. – Great! The leader of the Megaband is Øystein Remme. He got the idea to make a music video – an idea that ended up as a feature film like no other. Leader of the Megaband Øystein Remme. Photo: Christine Breivik Øen / news – This is going to be great! It looks absolutely gorgeous. After all, we had 29 film and sound people with us, right up there in the top class. And the actors were fantastic, exclaims Remme after seeing raw clips from the film. Likes to play in several films General Secretary of Dissimilis, Benjamin Zahl Bergem, is full of praise for the film project. – Visibility for this target group is so important. To show that they can. And of course this is completely innovative. Something similar has never been created, says Bergem. Secretary General of Dissimilis, Benjamin Zahl Bergem Photo: Dissimilis – It was a lot of fun, but also a bit strange actually, admits Morten immediately after the sneak premiere. Mia Eline Fredriksen plays Sally Quinn, a girl who gets fired several times from her job. – Because she spreads rumors about the other employees, reveals Mia, who also thought it was strange to see herself on film. Both nevertheless agree that they could play in more films. This definitely added flavor. “Megatown” will premiere in January 2023, initially in Drammen. It is not yet known which other cinemas are showing it. There will be a premiere party anyway. Mia Eline Fredriksen and Morten Kvarme are two of the actors in Megatown. Photo: Henning Rønhovde / news – Champagne, red carpet and canapés! says Øystein Remme. – I don’t drink alcohol, answers Morten Kvarme. – I’ll have to force you a bit then, jokes Remme. – Watch out, or I’ll hang you! grins the kind executioner in reply.
