– Meaningless – news Trøndelag

– This is an absolutely terrible tragic event, which affects us greatly, says Thor Arne Falkanger to news. He owns Falkanger Eurosko, and lost one of his employees when a crane overturned the Melhustorget shopping center on Friday morning. It was a woman in her 50s who died. – It is senseless that something like this can happen when you are at work in a shopping centre, says Falkanger. Falkanger says that the accident has affected the entire organization and not least the woman’s colleagues. – It’s something that shouldn’t be able to happen. Thor Arne Falkanger owns the shoe shop where the deceased woman worked. This photo was taken outside one of his shops in Trondheim. Photo: Jan-Are Hansen Must withstand the force of the wind It was at 09.20 that the 60-metre-high crane overturned and broke parts of the roof of the shopping centre. The woman was found at 1 p.m. Two other people were transported to the emergency room with minor injuries. The company Hent is the contractor on the construction site where the crane was located. It was very windy in the area when the accident occurred, and the police believe there is reason to believe that it was the strong wind that caused the crane to overturn. There was strong wind at the shopping center in Melhus where a crane overturned. However, according to project director Ben-Stian Unhjem, the crane had to withstand the wind that was on Friday. – The crane must withstand the wind strength that was there on Friday. How strong the throws were and what consequences they had, the police investigation will answer. We are not speculating on that. We are now spending all our time following up on everyone involved. We have also started an internal investigation, says Unhjem to Adresseavisen. On Friday, the police considered the second crane on the construction site to be safe. On Saturday, the police do not wish to comment further on the case until Monday. The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority has been notified of the case and will carry out an inspection fairly immediately. Thoughts for the next of kin Melhus municipality established crisis management quickly after the incident. – It is a terrible experience to be at work and then a crane comes through the roof, said mayor Jorid Jagtøyen to news on Friday. Shop owner Thor Arne Falkanger says that they are now working with the municipality’s crisis team to take care of the employees throughout the weekend. There will also be a meeting of employees on Monday, where they will have the opportunity to process the incident together. – We are doing our best to take care of those affected, and our thoughts go out to the relatives and those left behind in this terrible accident, says Falkanger. The police say there is reason to believe that strong winds may be the cause of the rollover. Photo: Morten Karlsen / news
