Meadow ticks may have come to Norway: – Can cause serious illness – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– Meadow ticks have been shown to be carriers of over 40 different pathogens that can cause serious illness in both animals and humans, says Arnulf Solberg. He is a senior researcher at the pest control department at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI). Senior researcher in pest control at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Arnulf Soleng, believes it is impossible to say whether the tick species are already in Norway. Photo: FOLKEHELSEINSTITUTET The meadow tick tolerates cold well, adapts to the environment in which it lives, and uses many different hosts to move around. – He therefore has the potential to establish himself in Norway, says Arnulf Soleng. Earlier in July, the Swedish newspaper Bohusläningen wrote about several finds of the meadow tick in the Västra Götaland region, which borders Østfold. – We can expect that this tick is here to stay, says laboratory veterinarian and researcher at the Swedish Veterinary Institute Giulio Grandi to the newspaper. You do this if you are bitten Remove the tick as soon as possible. The risk of contracting Lyme disease is reduced if he is removed within a day. Follow the bitstaden. Anyone can get a mosquito bite-like spot, but if a red ring of more than five centimeters develops, you should contact a doctor. Spreading in Europe In Sweden, they have also made several discoveries of the unusual species in the Stockholm area. In Denmark, the species was first discovered on an immigrant golden jackal. The tick must have contained a completely new microorganism, according to Soleng in FHI. In Germany and Poland too, the tick has spread a lot in recent years. The meadow tick has so far not been detected in Norway, but according to Soleng the species may already be here. – We do not know if this species is already here as of today. Unfortunately, FHI has de-prioritised the research and monitoring of ticks in Norway from this year onwards, says the senior researcher. The wood tick has until now been considered the most important spreader of infection among the bloodsuckers in Northern Europe. Photo: Erik Karits Several tick species are “knocking on the door” It is not just the meadow tick that is spreading. Soleng believes that one should also prepare for the arrival of the taiga tick. The taiga tick is said to have spread from Russia, to Finland and so on to Sweden. – This species can carry a much more serious TBE virus than the type we find in forest ticks in Norway, says Soleng. Forest ticks are the most common type of tick in Norway. Like the meadow tick, it must be the Norwegian climate that increases the chances of establishment. TBE virus The virus comes from ticks. Not to be confused with the bacterium Lyme disease. May cause infection of the central nervous system. Some people do not get sick from the virus, others get very serious illness. The illness usually starts with a high fever and headache, before it progresses to a severe headache and meningitis. Source: FHI Can get sicker The European TBE vaccine should be enough, says senior researcher at the department of virology at FHI Åshild Andreassen. Photo: Nora Marsteen Both the meadow tick and the taiga tick can carry serious variants of the TBE virus. Senior researcher at the department of virology at FHI Åshild Andreassen believes that the European TBE vaccine will protect against the diseases that the new tick types can carry. – You should be fairly well covered with the European vaccine, but there is clearly something that is genetically different that makes you more sick from the TBE variant from Russia and remove Austen.
