MDG will give families 40,000 in electricity support – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– Now news has once again confirmed what I have been saying since the scheme was introduced: Those with the most from before get the most money through Støre’s current support, says MDG’s parliamentary representative Lan Marie Berg. Last week, news was able to tell that those who earn the best, received the most in electricity support. The higher the power consumption, the higher the income. People with higher incomes have also reduced their electricity consumption less than people with lower incomes after the subsidy was introduced, news’s ​​survey shows. Today, Norwegians receive support based on how many kilowatt hours they consume. – As long as you give money to everyone based on how much electricity people use, more will go to those with big houses and swimming pools. Asks the Storting to demand a better arrangement. MDG believes that the income to the state from the power hall should be distributed in a different way. They will give 10,000 per Norwegian, regardless of how much electricity is consumed, so that everyone has an economic carrot by saving on electricity. This will give a family with two children NOK 40,000 paid out per year. – This will make the biggest difference for those who have little money from before and make it profitable to save electricity where possible, says Berg. The Storting will consider an adjustment to the electricity subsidy on Tuesday. Then Berg will propose that the government take action to prevent people in wealthier areas of Norway from becoming electricity subsidy winners: “The Storting asks the government to come back to the Storting with a proposal for a new and more socially fair electricity subsidy scheme that is designed so that high-income groups no longer receive of funds to the community than others.” – Then there is no shame in turning around, says Berg. Here you can check your postcode and see how much your neighbors have received on average in electricity subsidy: Want to tighten The Liberals also want to change the electricity subsidy scheme. They will adjust the compensation rate down from 90 to 80 per cent, and increase the cut-off point from 70 to 73 øre. – In the Storting, we have pointed out the same problems news highlighted, based on consultation responses from a number of actors, says Ola Elvestuen (V). Ola Elvestuen sits on the energy and environment committee for the Liberal Party. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum This summer, the government changes the scheme so that it covers the electricity price hour by hour. The Left wants to change this, so that the electricity subsidy covers a monthly electricity price. Power support shrinks over the New Year The Government and SV agreed at the weekend on what the state budget for 2024 should be. The electricity subsidy will be extended to apply next year. While the subsidy currently covers 90 per cent of the bill above 70 øre, the cut-off point will increase to 73 øre after 1 January. Consumers then have to pay 3.75 øre more per kilowatt hour, including value added tax, than they do today if the price is so high that the electricity subsidy kicks in. The Støre government has previously defended the scheme to news. Minister of Energy Terje Aasland (Ap). Photo: Marthe Synnøve Susort Johannessen / news – What is important is that I make sure that I get a correction on the price, when the price is extremely high. That is why I believe that this arrangement is very good and important, says Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap). He has pointed to the fact that people who struggle financially can have high electricity consumption, and pointed to Statistics Norway’s review of the electricity subsidy scheme.
