MDG and KrF turn in the Brenna case – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– MDG’s parliamentary group has today decided that we will vote for strong criticism of Tonje Brenna on the basis that she has not been completely truthful in the meeting with the committee, says Lan Marie Berg to news. She is a member of the Storting’s control and constitution committee, which on Wednesday issued a recommendation in the competency cases against Brenna and five other top politicians. Then the Green Party advocated a milder criticism resolution against the Ap top. The parties in the Storting will vote on the matter tomorrow. KrF has also decided to intensify its criticism of Brenna. – The fact that there is new information about the case after the control committee’s consideration reinforces the seriousness of Tonje Brenna’s case. This information should have been given to the Storting from the start. KrF believes this is strongly criticizable and will therefore vote for “strong criticism” of Tonje Brenna tomorrow, says KrF deputy leader Dag Inge Ulstein to news. – Serious The intensified criticism from KrF and MDG comes as a result of information in Dagens Næringsliv about the connection between the Wergelandsenteret and Utøya AS. Specifically, the case is about when Brenna was informed that financial support from the Ministry of Education went to Utøya AS, a company she is ineligible for. “The control committee should have received more information about the internal processes in the ministry, and in retrospect I see that this could have been done earlier,” wrote Brenna herself in a letter to the control committee on Friday. – It is very serious, because it has made the control committee’s work more difficult in assessing her case, and because we depend on a good and truthful flow of information between the Storting and the government, says Berg. GATHERED: The control committee’s spokespersons gathered on one board in the walk-in hall last week. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Høyre and Frp have already concluded that there are grounds for strong criticism of Labor deputy leader and Labor Minister Tonje Brenna. “Strong criticism” is the strongest expression of criticism that the Storting can go for, with the exception of censure. If a minister receives a resolution of censure against him, he must resign. In the extreme, no confidence in one member of the government can lead to the resignation of the entire government. A criticism decision will not normally have any consequences beyond the fact that it is a serious scratch in the paint for the person concerned. No majority Although the MDG, Frp, Høyre and KrF vote for “strong criticism” of Brenna tomorrow, Rødt, Venstre and SV secure a majority for a milder criticism decision. The three parties today confirm to news that they find no reason to intensify their criticism of the Labor minister. – The Labor Party is wrong when they say that there has been no new information in the case. But the information mentions a situation that the committee was already aware of and for which she has received criticism, says Venstres Grunde Almeland to news. – The information clarifies the mistake that Brenna and the ministry made, in that the support for the Wergelands center was not understood as direct financial support for Utøya AS, he continues. Rødt’s Seher Aydar sees it the same way. She says “the heart of the matter is the same”. SV critical SV’s Audun Lysbakken will not sharpen the criticism against Brenna either. But he says the documents that were sent on Friday should have reached the Storting earlier. – They help shed light on the process that ended with a breach of trust, and are therefore relevant to us. But the documents, in my view, do not provide a basis for changing the committee’s assessments and conclusions, he says to news. He believes it is reasonable to criticize Brenna, but not “strong criticism”, which the Storting will unanimously express to Conservative Party leader Erna Solberg tomorrow. – Tonje Brenna should have previously understood that financial support for the Wergeland center had to be seen as financial support for Utøya AS. But this has already been established by the committee, and it is a key reason why we promote criticism of Brenna, says Lysbakken. Brenna has given a similar explanation in several statements and interviews in recent days. – The information that appears in DN is exactly the same information that I have sent over to the Storting, which I have explained in my report and responded to in the form of a letter to the Storting, Brenna told news’s ​​Political Quarter last Friday. She believes that the core of the error she has committed is that she was not aware that the collaboration between the Wergelands Center and Utøya AS was so close that financial support can be counted on. Proposes changes in routines The control committee is concerned that the integrity errors committed last year should not happen again. The committee therefore proposes the following: That the government carry out a transversal analysis of how the ministries carry out training in the competence regulations, how it is practiced, and how the civil service assists political leadership. The committee asks the government to consider designing a common model practice that is used as a minimum in all ministries. The committee also asks the government to put forward a proposal with a proposal to renew the competence regulation in the Public Administration Act. The proposal must be put forward so that it can be processed in the current parliamentary term. They also ask the government to consider introducing a routine to put in writing integrity assessments made by ministers, state secretaries and political advisers, as well as to consider a greater degree of transparency about integrity assessments carried out by political leadership in the ministries. They ask the government to carry out a review of current routines and regulations, where it is both clearer which guidelines are regulated at which level, and at the same time assesses what should be regulated at which level. (Source: Control Committee chairman Grunde Almeland)
