McCarthy is trying to close for the seventh time to become leader of the House of Representatives in the USA – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

After six unsuccessful attempts to get more than 218 members in the House of Representatives on his side, he was back at the negotiating table on Thursday morning. Here, McCarthy is said to have made new promises to the 20 Republicans who refused to stand behind him, in the hope of still getting the votes he needs. They are still unsure whether the laws have reached their limits, says representative Brian Fitzpatrick from Pennsylvania, according to the New York Times. – Everyone is clearly aware that things leaked out of these rooms, Fitzpatrick answered the question of whether McCarthy had received the support he needed. – But the conversations were very good. The first speech of the day was given by John James, a new congressman from Michigan. – We are still stuck at the starting line. The American people have told us, by putting the Republican majority here, that they want Republicans to rent, and they want a government that works and doesn’t fool them. – We fail in both tasks. That must change today, he said, urging the congregation to vote for Kevin McCarthy. So far, all members among the Democrats have voted for their minority leader, Hakeem Jeffries. A small group with veto power The Leader of the House of Representatives, or “Speaker of the House” as the position is called in the USA, is the third most important political position after the president and vice president. Should both of these two be unable to perform their duties, it is the leader of the House of Representatives who takes over the governance of the country. The first thing the Republicans have had to do now that they have the majority in the House of Representatives is to choose a new leader who will take the other representatives under their belt. Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert are two of the Republicans who are connected to the “Freedom meeting”, and who have not wanted to support McCarthy. Photo: EVELYN HOCKSTEIN / Reuters This is where McCarthy, who until now has been minority leader for the Republicans, has run into trouble. The small majority with which his party leads means that a small group of Republicans gets veto power in this vote. Among these is the group of conservative Republicans. Some of these call themselves “Never Kevins”, and say the only thing they want is for him to retire, according to the BBC. Several of these belong to the group “The Freedom Caucus”, or the “freedom meeting”, which since 2010 has expressed strong dissatisfaction with moderate republicans. McCarthy needs either the support of one of these, or a group of members from the Democrats, to get the votes he needs. Until the members of the House of Representatives have managed to elect a leader, the House of Representatives cannot exercise its important function, which includes voting on new bills.
