McCarthy believes in victory – tonight is the fourteenth vote – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In ballot number thirteen, McCarthy received 214 votes. He needs 218. 15 radical Republicans who have previously refused to support McCarthy stood behind him today. He still needs four more votes to walk away with the victory. It is still expected that two of the missing votes will come during the night. The House of Representatives meets again at 04.00 Norwegian time. – I have the votes to be elected, said McCarthy on his way out of the hall after voting thirteen. Two Republicans who were absent during the vote have said they will vote for McCarthy. “No Democrat leader” Saman gave the breakaways a clear message after vote number twelve, according to the New York Times: “There will be no Democrat leader”. – We have the framework for an agreement, which means that we can continue to move forward in good faith, said Scott Perry from Pennsylvania. Today’s first round of voting was the first time Republican McCarthy received more votes than Hakeem Jeffries, who the Democrats have nominated. Kevin McCarthy when the votes were counted on 6 January. Photo: JON CHERRY / Reuters news spoke to Dusty Johnson, who supports McCarthy, in Congress on Friday morning. He said the wing was in the process of negotiating an agreement. – You have the progress in the political theatre, which is the voices up on the board, and then you have the real progress behind the scenes. – I think most of the members who care about finding success follow the latest things much more closely, he said. Two stand to persuade McCarthy has so far been challenged by a group of radical party members, where four are now still on the opposition side. McCarthy needs to persuade two of them. Some of these chose on Thursday to support Byron Donalds from Florida, who voted for McCarthy on Friday. – For the first time in this city in probably 100 years, if not more, the American people have witnessed an assessment process, a legitimate assessment process, about the future of the leadership of the people’s house, Donalds said after the twelfth vote. – It is monumental. Parts of the Republican breakaway group during the twelfth vote on Friday. Photo: Alex Brandon / AP Not all members were present for today’s first round of voting in the House of Representatives, which made it more difficult to secure a victory. Usually, the vote on a new leader is only ceremonial. But due to the narrow majority the Republicans have in Congress, a small group has veto power. “First and foremost against” The last time the members of the House of Representatives needed so many votes to reach a leader was before the American Civil War, i.e. 150 years ago. For many of the opponents, the problem with McCarthy seems personal, says US commentator in Vårt Land, Sigrid Rege Gårdsvoll. – McCarthy and organizations associated with him have campaigned against some of these in the nomination election before this election. Many of them point to a personal antipathy based on things that happened in the election campaign. – Then there are probably many who look at him, who has been the leader of the minority until now, very much as a man from Washington. Has is part of what they are there to fight against. Jan Arild Snoen is a journalist and columnist in Minerva. Photo: Philippe Bédos Ulvin Who these 20 want in the city is also not entirely clear, says Jan Arild Snoen, a US expert and writer in Minerva. – They are primarily against it, and they must show that they are against it. That is why it is also so difficult to solve, because it is difficult to know what to give them. – McCarthy has met them on several of their demands, but some of them can get anything. They won’t give up. It is therefore unclear how long this will take.
