Mayoral candidate for FRP is thrown out after Putin support – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Gaup has for a long time published pro-Russian sympathies on his open Facebook profile. In an article in Nettavisen yesterday, he also criticized his own party for, among other things, having “succumbed to mass psychosis”. Jan-Erik Gaup sits on the municipal council for Våler Frp and has been a mayoral candidate in the municipality. In a meeting of the county committee of the FRP in Innlandet, he was today thrown out of the party. He himself takes it all with a shrug. CRITICAL: Gaup has published a number of posts on his private Facebook profile where he expresses himself very pro-Russian. Photo: Screenshot Throw out of the party Tonight the county board of the party has decided that Gaups can no longer be a member of the party: – We have made an overall assessment and based on that we have decided that Gaup is actively expelled from the party. This means that he has contributed to opting out himself, says Ørsal Johansen. He emphasizes that the resignation comes as a result of both Gaup’s actions in Nettavisen and statements he has made on Facebook. DECISION: County leader in Innlandet Frp, Morten Ørsal Johansen, will hear the case tonight. Photo: Mathias Oppedal / news Jan-Erik Gaup says that he did not know about the decision from his own party until news contacted him. He says he makes the decision with a shrug. – FRP has always been a nervous party. Has always been his own worst enemy. They have high shoulders you might say. I will take note of that. Personal opinion It was Nettavisen that first mentioned the matter. The easterner says that when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said it was out of the question for Ukraine to cede land to Russia, Gaup grabbed the keyboard and wrote this on Facebook: “After all, it is Russia that created Ukraine. A normal sense of decency dictates that the “parents” must have the right to put their foot down for a pubescent brat, when he not only defies the manner of teenagers, but also invites the parents’ declared enemies right into the boys’ room,” he writes in a post on 17 February this year. Gaup told news on Thursday morning that his view of the Ukraine conflict is his personal opinion, and that it is not his wish to turn this into a FRP matter. – It is not, he says. Instead, he believes that this is a “timed” matter before the election in the autumn. – This case comes up because I am a deadly mayoral candidate in the autumn. I am only active in the Vålerpolitiken, where you do completely different things, says Gaup. – Matter-of-fact politician May-Liss Sæterdalen from the Labor Party is the mayor of Våler. She said that she knows Jan-Erik Gaup as a matter-of-fact politician whom she respects. – These opinions of his have never been a topic in the political work here in Våler, she says. She emphasizes that she stands for the exact opposite view of the war in Ukraine, and hopes that Gaup’s statements will not be perceived as the prevailing view in the municipality. – This will be at his expense, and the FRP must sort this out internally, she said on Thursday. HAS AN OPPOSITE VIEW: Mayor May-Liss Sæterbakken disagrees with Gaup in his view of the war in Ukraine. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news Foreign and defense policy spokesperson in the Frp, Christian Tybring-Gjedde writes the following about Jan-Erik Gaup’s statements in an e-mail. – The FRP’s parliamentary group has taken a position based on facts and historical realities. That is the only moral position one can take. Everything else is falsification of history and based on conspiracy theories. CRITICAL: Christian Tybring-Gjedde does not share Gaup’s view on the war in Ukraine. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Scanpix Standing his ground to Nettavisen earlier Thursday, Gaup said that he regrets that Russia chose to attack Ukraine. But: – I absolutely do not buy the narrative that Ukraine is a legitimate independent democracy which is now being attacked from outside by an aggressor and which must be protected by a Western so-called democracy. It is a historical mistake, he told the newspaper. Earlier this week, the Progress Party together with the other parties in the Storting adopted an aid package for Ukraine of NOK 75 billion. Jan-Erik Gaup thought that was a big mistake.
