Mayor of Vågå, Harald Sve Bjørndal, accused of double role in cabin case – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

In Vågå in Gudbrandsdalen, there is a lot of concern about a cabin conflict. It concerns a possible cabin field in Jettlia, four kilometers above the city centre. Current mayor Harald Sve Bjørndal was one of three landowners who in 2017 agreed that their properties in Jettlia could be developed. At the time, he was a municipal council representative. In 2021, while he was mayor, the start of the planning program was announced. Bjørndal declared himself disqualified in 2017, in line with the legislation for elected representatives. Nevertheless, researcher Gro Sandkjær Hansen at Oslo Met believes that this dual role is unfortunate. She says that elected officials should put property interests aside, since the municipality’s area decisions have direct consequences for the financial earnings of property operators and landowners. In the local community, there are divided opinions about the mayor’s two roles. CAN BE DEVELOPED: This is where the cabin field in Jettlia can come. The mayor’s property is marked in dark green. GRAPHICS: Vågå municipality/Google – This is a divisive project Leader in Ottadalen and Sel local team of the Nature Conservancy, Nelly Karidatter Einstulen, lives in Vågå herself. She believes that the dual role is unsustainable. WANT TO PROTECT: Nelly Karidatter Einstulen in the mountain area above the possible cabin field in Jettlia in Vågå. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news – As a landowner, the mayor has actively promoted a controversial and highly conflicted project. This is divisive, and it may look like the municipal council could be divided into almost two equal parts in the event of a vote. In municipal documents from 2017 and 2021, the landowners are listed as “proposers”. The mayor himself says that he has not actively proposed development. He states that he has only verbally agreed that the field can be listed in the area plan. Einstulen believes this falls on his own unreasonableness. – It is quite clear that when he is listed as “proposer” in several public documents, then it is he who has proposed it. It is not more difficult. This applies both in 2017 and 2021. She says that Bjørndal should be mayor for everyone, and asks who the nay-sayers should deal with. Einstulen believes that it does not help that the mayor abstains during a possible vote on the project. – It goes without saying that he has great influence in the corridors. This also applies in the proceedings and by virtue of his entire position as mayor. RECEIVING CRITICISM: Mayor Harald Sve Bjørndal (Bygdalista). Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news Bjørndal reacts to the criticism. – I want to be mayor for everyone, and have done everything I can to keep my distance from the project. – I have told everyone that the deputy mayor acts as a replacement for me in all contexts where this case is relevant. He also says that it is a matter of course that he declares himself incompetent if this comes up for a vote in the municipal council. – If this is adopted, will you make money from land sales? – Yes, it is a possibility, and that is why I am so careful to separate the roles. Disagreement among development opponents Not all development opponents share the criticism of the mayor’s dual role. Municipal board representative Svein Holen (SV) says that they have been against the cottage project from the beginning. – At the same time, I would like to say that Bjørndal has acted in an orderly manner and has not marketed these plans. He declared himself ineligible when the spatial plan was up for consideration in 2017, two years before he became mayor. – In that case, SV was the only party that voted against. It is unreasonable if the focus is shifted to the mayor’s performance of his role, he says. Grazing interests strongly opposed to the project Jettlia is located in birch forest close to the tree line, 920–1000 meters above sea level There are only a few buildings in the area from before. The proposal involves 70 high-standard cabins spread over 240 acres. Several grazing groups have reacted strongly in the consultation round, and believe that a cottage field will weaken the opportunity for livestock grazing. The State Administrator in the Interior writes that no wild reindeer have been observed in Jettlia since the 1970s, but points to “the value of unused reindeer grazing areas.” A Facebook group called Bevar Jettfjellet has also been established. The group has over 1,100 members. – Pressure on other elected officials Researcher Gro Sandkjær Hansen at Oslo Met specializes in land policy. She believes the mayor’s dual role is unfortunate. She emphasizes that even if this is legally correct, it is about how one is perceived as an elected official in the local community. – Even though the mayor has a deputy representative when the matter is dealt with in the municipal council, undue pressure is placed on the other municipal council members when they have to vote on the matter, she says. RESEARCHER: Gro Sandkjær Hansen at Oslo Met. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news Sandkjær believes that when standing for election, one should put property interests aside. If this does not happen, she believes this could in the long term undermine the legitimacy of the local people’s government. – It should not be questioned whether it is the common interests or the personal interests that the elected officials are working for, she says. – Where is the border? The mayor questions where the boundary should be set in small municipalities. – Shouldn’t landowners and business leaders be able to get involved in politics? People with a business background are underrepresented in politics. We need them. He also believes that Norway has very good mechanisms in local politics to avoid conflicts of interest, including through the legislation on disqualification. The mayor’s own party, Bygdalista, therefore advocated that this area should be open for cottage development when it was adopted as part of the area plan in 2017. Leader of Bygdalista, Karola Wenzel, says that now in 2022 they have not taken a final decision on what The party must vote if the matter comes up in the municipal council. The control committee receives the case Nelly Karidatter Einstulen states that they will bring this case before the control committee in the municipality. – We will check whether both the mayor’s dual role and other aspects of the proceedings are in accordance with the regulations, she says. The planning process has now stopped because there has been no revised proposal for the planning program from the landowners. At the same time, the three landowners have not given any notice to the municipality that the project is to be scrapped. The municipality has also said that they will comply with a request from the development opponents to have an open public meeting. If the three landowners still maintain their proposal, the matter will come up in the municipal council later. ENGAGED: Nelly Karidatter Einstulen is the leader of the Ottadalen and Sel local teams of the Nature Conservation Association. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news
