Mayor Jonas Andersen Sayed uses the holiday to raise money for Ukraine – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Jonas Andersen Sayed is a slightly unusual mayor. Four years ago, he became Norway’s youngest mayor at the age of 21. Then he thought the mayor’s salary was too high, and reduced it by NOK 250,000 to now NOK 750,000. – It is still a good salary. I have bought both a car and a house. Now he has sat on the bicycle seat to earn money for Ukraine. He will use his holiday to cycle 2,000 kilometers from Sokndal in Rogaland to the municipality of Zaliztsi in Western Ukraine. The first leg of the trip went from Sokndal to Stavanger, where the mayor took a ferry to Hirtshals in Denmark. Photo: Privat It was Dalane Tidende that mentioned the case first. Gets more help as mayor The KrF politician has gained a great deal of commitment to Ukraine. The cycling trip will be the fourth trip to the war-torn country since the New Year. – What the Ukrainians are going through is unfair and horrible. It is the sense of justice that strikes me. On the first trip, he drove a car down for the local aid organization Cars to Ukraine, and collected NOK 150,000 in a couple of days. The soldier, who received the necessary health care with the help of funds collected from Sokndal, is now undergoing further treatment in Germany. The family wants him to remain anonymous. Photo: Privat The money was used to buy medical equipment for a hospital in Ukraine that they needed. – With the help of this equipment, the doctors managed to save the life of a very injured soldier who was allergic to the antibiotic that they had available at the hospital. The money made it possible to buy something else as a last resort, says Sayed. This is the itinerary of Jonas Andersen Sayed. The plan is to spend 10–12 days on the trip. Getting more motivated in the mayor’s job Jonas Andersen Sayed works full-time as mayor. He believes that the commitment to Ukraine is positive for the work he does. – It helps to motivate me even more as mayor. I share my commitment to Ukraine with many parishioners. The four municipalities in South Rogaland delivered an aggregate to the mayor of Zaliztsi municipality earlier this winter. From left: mayor of Zaliztsi Andry Noga, mayor of Sokndal Jonas Andersen Sayed and on the far right Vebjørn Solli from Sokndal. Photo: Privat On this trip, a car with emergency aid will also be delivered to Ukraine. Since the war started, the organization Cars for Ukraine has delivered over 60 cars. The car will be handed over in Poland by the organization and the mayor. The car is fully loaded with food and medical equipment for the soldiers at the front. – It is easy to think that contributions from individuals and a small municipality in Norway mean nothing. But it gives a little hope, and helps those who get the equipment. Andersen Sayed believes that the position of mayor gives him more weight in the aid work. He is in contact with Ukrainian mayors, and has had several meetings with local politicians in Ukraine. – Being able to say with weight that we support them, and stand with Ukrainians in this situation. I think that has value, and they tell me so themselves. Gets praise from KS Sokndal has a friendly municipality in Ukraine. The same applies to the three neighboring municipalities of Sokndal in Rogaland, Lund, Bjerkreim and Eigersund. No less than 30 municipalities and county councils in Norway have followed the example of the four Rogalands municipalities and entered into agreements with municipalities in Ukraine. KS went out a year ago and called on municipalities and county councils to establish contact with municipalities in Ukraine. Head of department for international projects in KS, Elita Cakule. Photo: Gerardo Poblete / KS – So far, most municipalities and county municipalities in Rogaland and Agder have entered into agreements. This is largely thanks to the commitment of Jonas Andersen Sayed. He doesn’t just talk, he also does things, says head of department for international projects at KS, Elita Cakule. Building up local democracy President Volodymyr Zelenskyj has also asked municipalities in Europe to establish contact with municipalities in Ukraine. Jonas Andersen Sayed in front of a destroyed block of flats in Borodjanka – a suburb outside Kyiv during his visit in March. Photo: Private – It is important not just to put the agreement that is concluded in a drawer, but to actually do something. First and foremost, the municipalities in Ukraine have great material needs, says Cakule. In the longer term, it is about building up local democracy. – I find that politicians from Ukraine who have visited Norway are interested in finding out more about politics as a craft. How the decisions are made. How to recruit for political parties. How to get people to the polls, and so on. – The municipalities in Ukraine have been given more responsibility in recent years. Local democracy means a lot for the reconstruction of Ukraine. They have a lot of baggage from the Soviet era that they have to do something with. Being able to take part in supporting the development of Ukrainian local democracy is very meaningful, says Jonas Andersen Sayed. This autumn, Sokndal municipality, together with the neighboring municipalities, invites resourceful Ukrainian young people to come to Norway to learn more about local democracy. – I have great faith in that. These are idealistic young people who are passionate about a free and democratic Ukraine, and who have chosen to stay in the country despite the war. But first he will cycle 2,000 kilometers to Ukraine. He intends to spend 10–12 days on that, if everything goes according to plan. – There have been some problems at the start. I punctured five miles from Hirtshals in Denmark and the pump didn’t work. But after rolling the bike a few kilometers I was helped by a handsome Danish lady. So now I’m on my way.
