– May fit with parkinsonism – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Already early in the night’s presidential debate, it became clear that Joe Biden was not in the shape of his life. He hesitated, lost track and mixed up numbers and concepts. It didn’t help that Biden himself thinks he is better than Donald Trump at golf; the impression of the president as too old for the job was reinforced, say commentators. The first presidential debate in the US election 2024 Geir Selbæk, professor of geriatrics at UiO and head of research at the National Center for Aging and Health, studied Biden’s performance last night. – Firstly, it was very sad and painful to see a person I respect so much, so weakened both physically and mentally, says Selbæk to news. He believes the president has symptoms similar to “parkinsonism”. – At times he appears physically and mentally weakened. The physical is about sometimes slow and monotonous movements, and a facial expression that is sparse and reacts a little strangely. The mental thing is that he speaks partly incoherently and indistinctly, says Selbæk. Signs of “parkinsonism” To be absolutely clear: Selbæk has not carried out medical examinations of Biden, and cannot make a diagnosis based on what he has seen, but: – He seems disoriented and quite confused. Not the whole debate, but in a couple of cases. If I were to think what it fits best with, it is a neurological disease that can fit with parkinsonism, says Selbæk. Parkinsonism is a description of various symptoms, which are often caused by Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is a so-called neurodegenerative disease characterized, among other things, by reduced facial expressions and a monotonous and indistinct voice. Professor Geir Selbæk believes that Joe Biden shows signs of “parkinsonism”. Photo: Aleksandr Nedbaev / news – What we see at times is not what you would expect from an otherwise healthy 81-year-old. There is more weakening, says Selbæk. – Is this something you can get better at? – If this is a brain disease, as it may look like, it is not something you get better from. “Healthy, active and robust” Annual health checks are done by President Biden. The result of the last one was announced by the White House in February. There, the president’s physician, Kevin C. O’Connor, concluded: “President Biden is a healthy, active and robust 81-year-old man, who remains able to successfully perform the duties of the presidency, including the roles of supreme leader, head of state and commander-in-chief.” Joe Biden struggled several times to find the words during the night’s presidential debate. Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images / AFP New from this year’s report was that Biden is being treated for sleep apnea. O’Connor noted otherwise that the president does not use tobacco, does not drink alcohol and that he exercises at least five days a week. Asked to withdraw Several columnists and commentators in the American mainstream media believe that it is time for Biden to withdraw from the election campaign. It is now also being debated within the Democratic Party, AP writes. At the same time, several are calling for calm. Dean Phillips, who previously challenged Biden to become the Democrats’ presidential candidate, quotes Mahatma Gandhi: – Speak only if it improves the silence, Phillips writes on X. Alan Kessler, one of the biggest contributors to the Biden campaign, asks worried Democrats to breathe with their stomachs. – Before people jump off bridges or start a campaign, let’s take a deep breath and see how things develop, he says, according to NBC News. Donald Trump and Joe Biden met for a debate last night. It wasn’t as chaotic as in 2020, but they came with several ladle kicks at each other. Photo: ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP USA expert Sofie Høgestøl is not surprised that there are demands that Biden must resign, but points out that it is not just simple. – This is an enormously difficult situation for the party. It seems practically impossible to imagine that you could find another candidate in a good way by August, says Høgestøl. Published 28.06.2024, at 19.00 Updated 28.06.2024, at 19.17
