May establish a TikTok center in Innlandet – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

After several rounds, it is now clear. Green Mountain and TikTok will establish a data center in Hamar and Løten. This was revealed in a press release from the government today. – The government has carried out thorough safety assessments in connection with Green Mountain having entered into an agreement with TikTok as its sole customer, says Minister for Municipalities and Districts Sigbjørn Gjelsvik (Sp) in a press release. – We have not found grounds to intervene in the agreement itself, but I will subject Green Mountain to the Norwegian Security Act, says the minister. It was NTB that first wrote about the case. GIVING THE GREEN LIGHT FOR TIKTOK: Local Government Minister Sigbjørn Gjelsvik says that the government will not intervene in the agreement between the two inland municipalities and Green Mountain. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news Very happy Mayor Marte Tønseth (Sp) in Løten is happy about the message from her party colleague in the Cabinet. – We have also made thorough assessments beforehand ourselves, so this message is not so surprising. But it is very gratifying. HAPPY MAYOR: Mayor Marte Tønseth is happy that the government has reached the same decision as the municipalities of Løten and Hamar. Photo: Løten municipality It was in March that it became known that the controversial giant on social media would become a tenant of the data center the company Green Mountain is building in Hamar and Løten. Then several politicians came out and reacted against TikTok, which has Chinese owners, being allowed to establish itself in Norway. Now, together with the Minister of Justice, the Minister for Municipalities and Districts has taken a closer look at the matter and assessed national security considerations. The conclusion is therefore that the government finds that TikTok can establish itself in the interior. The data center plays a central role as part of the government’s strategy for a robust national infrastructure, says the press release. At the same time, there are challenges linked to the digital security picture, the government writes further. Largest in Europe Svein Atle Hagaseth, who is the managing director of Green Mountain, says that they too have carried out thorough security assessments before entering into a contract with TikTok – We are happy that the ministries have assessed that our establishment is not a threat to national security. But that is also what we have meant to ourselves all along, he says. THE DIRECTOR: Svein Atle Hagaseth in Green Mountain is also satisfied with the government’s decision. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news Thus everything is in place for what is being referred to as the largest industrial agreement in the Inland region ever. At least if you count in kroner and øre. – This is extremely difficult, says Hagaseth. He says that this will also be the largest data center investment in Europe ever within what is known as a co-location data centre. – This is a very big deal internationally as well, and is a pat on the back for both this and the previous government after the data center strategy they put in place in 2018. Responding to electricity use Sofie Marhaug is spokesperson for energy and environmental policy in the party Red. She believes that this decision indicates a bad environmental and energy policy from the government. – Here the government is a big disappointment. We need electricity to cut emissions and new industrial workplaces that create the goods we need. Not for cat videos and other unnecessary things like TikTok, she says. POINTS THE FINGER AT THE GOVERNMENT: Sofie Marhaug in Rødt believes the government should prioritize using electricity in places other than data centres. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news
