– May be illegal – news Vestland

The case in summary: Ulsmåg housing association in Bergen has introduced a ban on nudity on the balconies. The ban was introduced after the balconies were given a glass facade, and several residents have been told to dress lightly. Lawyer Line Bjerkek from the National Association of Norwegian Building Construction Associations believes that the ban is too detailed and could be illegal to adopt. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – I was about to fall off the sofa when I saw it! That’s what resident at Ulsmåg housing association, Johan Silchenstedt, says. The “moon-struck” Bergen resident says that the comments have been pouring in from far and wide, after BA first mentioned the matter. Johan Silchenstedt is a former chairman of the housing association. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Myrtveit Osgjerd / news – The wildest thing was someone who suggested that we should change our name to Ulsmåg nudist team, he says with a laugh. Silchenstedt doubts that there are other housing associations in the country with similar nudity rules. Blue skill It all started with an information letter that suddenly appeared in the residents’ mailboxes. This contained updated rules of order for the housing association. There was one formulation in particular that made Silchenstedt put the coffee down his throat. Under a section that basically deals with awnings and sun shading, it is stated that it is not allowed to be naked on your own balcony. Do you think it’s okay to be naked on your own balcony? Yes. There must then be limits to what others can decide. No. People must be able to avoid seeing naked people splashing around. Do not know. Show result Thong panties and topless sunbathing The housing association’s board confirms to news that several of the residents have been reprimanded for going scantily clad on the balconies. They believe the rule was absolutely necessary, since they live so close to each other. Monica Knudsen Lilletvedt (right) and Hilde-Gunn Kjeilen sit on the board of the condominium. Roy Erik Andreassen is a caretaker. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Myrtveit Osgjerd / news news knows of three different cases of nudity that have previously been reacted to. But exactly which situations are in question, the board will not go into. Silchensted, who is also former chairman of the housing association, mentions topless sunbathing, and one case with a thong. – It is important for us to stress that this has not been too big a problem. But a mistake can easily happen, and we must be able to expect a certain form of propriety, says Monica Knudsen Lilletvedt. The diamond-shaped balconies have become an eye-catcher in the area. For better or worse. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Myrtveit Osgjerd / news The new glass railings that were installed during the refurbishment of the blocks did not exactly make matters better. – You didn’t consider going for sooty glass instead? – No, not actually, replies warden Roy Erik Andreassen. May be invalid Although glass railings are in the wind during the day, the Norwegian Association of Building Construction Associations cannot recall hearing of similar cases. – This quickly becomes a bit silly. It is not appropriate to have such violent details in the rules of order. Line Bjerkek is a lawyer and head of the association’s legal office. She believes the nudity ban may be difficult for the board to enforce. – This goes far beyond normal rules of order, and is thus illegal to adopt. She refers to the Housing Association Act and the Owners’ Section Act, which determine how detailed the ordinance can be. The Criminal Code deals with violations of rules beyond the rules of order, as in the rest of society. – In addition, it is legal to sunbathe topless in Norway, she points out. Here you have to dress well if you want to enjoy the sun. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Myrtveit Osgjerd / news Obos: – To be adopted jointly The main rule is that the board must not intervene in privacy. At the same time, the use of the area must not be to the detriment or inconvenience of other residents, according to the association. Not even Norway’s largest housing association Obos can recall hearing of similar cases. – The board can try to introduce these types of rules, but really this should be adopted jointly, says communications director Thomas Skjennald. He advises residents who disagree to raise the issue at the next general assembly or annual meeting. The board of the housing association does not wish to comment on either this, or the suggestion from lawyer Bjerkek that the decision may be illegal. Not sunbathing in the net Back at Ulsmåg, there are few residents looking at the balconies, despite a rare warm summer day in Bergen. Silchenstedt on a walk with the dog Kiro. Photo: news Resident Johan Silchenstedt believes it is no accident. He believes that the nudity rule may be the reason. – But I can console you that I am decently dressed. You get the impression that we are roaming around here in just the “net”! Published 02.07.2024, at 19.49 Updated 02.07.2024, at 19.59
