Massive Russian drone attack on Kyiv in the morning hours – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Russian drones attacked Ukraine’s capital again early Monday morning, the city’s military administration said on the messaging app Telegram. The head of the military administration, Sergii Popko, writes on Telegram that 15 Iranian-made Shahed drones were shot down early Monday morning in Kyiv’s airspace. He further writes that damage has been done to the city’s infrastructure during the attack now in the morning hours. At the same time, he states that there were around 20 drones that attacked the city Journalists in the online newspaper Ukrainska Pravda state that they have heard two powerful explosions in the center of the city, and that this probably concerns Ukrainian anti-aircraft fire. Across the city, the flight alert has been going off throughout Monday morning. Shortly before the explosions, the governor of the Kyiv region, Oleksiy Kuleba, wrote on Telegram that the anti-aircraft sirens went off due to Russian attacks. Residents were asked to stay in shelters while the attacks are ongoing. So far, the authorities are reporting two injuries after the attack on Monday morning. Russia is said to have attacked the Ukrainian capital Kyiv with Iranian-made Shahed 136 drones. This photo was taken during a previous attack. Photo: STRINGER / Reuters Kamikazedrones Kyiv mayor Vitaly Klitschko has confirmed explosions in the Solomyansky and Shevzhensky districts of Kyiv, writes adviser in the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior, Anton Geraschenko on Telegram. The Iranian-made drones are often referred to as kamikaze drones because they crash into the target instead of firing weapons and then returning, writes NTB. Residents were asked to stay in shelters while the attacks are ongoing. Ukrainian tank in Bakhmut. The Ukrainian forces are said to have now counter-attacked in the areas near the city, Photo: STRINGER / Reuters Ukrainian counter-attacks in Bakhmut At the same time, footage on YouTube, published by the Ukrainian military blogger Yuriy Butusov, shows that the fierce fighting for the city of Bakhmut in Donetsk county has continued for full on the weekend. According to Butusov, the Ukrainian forces, among other things with the use of British armored vehicles, have managed to drive the Russian forces away from positions they have held on the eastern outskirts of the city. The cemetery in Bakhmut. This city in Donetsk is now at the center of the fiercest fighting in the war in Ukraine. Photo: Libkos / AP Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy described the situation in Bakhmut as critical in his video speech on Sunday evening. but stressed that the Ukrainian forces are in control of the city. The fighting for Bakhmut has been going on for several months, and probably many hundreds of soldiers on both sides have lost their lives.
