Massive ice jam in Nidelva – fears several boats could be destroyed – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– The ice cap is so big and long. We can’t do anything more. This is what operations manager at Trondheim boat association Gry Kristin Mathisen says about the ice jam in Nidelva. – We just have to hope that it resolves itself more and more so that it doesn’t cause so much damage to the piers below. We just have to hope for it. Trondheim boat association managed to save a small boat earlier today, but they no longer work in the river. There is a danger that large ice floes could damage floating docks and boats in Nidelva. Photo: Jørgen Berntsen Leangen / news Save everything will come loose in one big lump – I’m a little afraid that everything will come loose in one big lump. Then it can sweep away docks and what I have lying around here. That’s according to Christer Mathisen, operations operator in Trondheim boating association. – I have never been so densely packed and heavy. It is reasonably extreme. He has been out in a small aluminum boat to try to remove some ice to avoid a large lump of ice. The operator hopes he can get the worst of it out of the river and out into the fjord, but will only get a short distance up the Nidelva. To remove the entire ice block, larger boats are needed, but the bridges are too low. Trondheim harbor has an encouragement in the situation: – Secure all equipment and try to be careful, says Seifert. Photo: Morten Waagø / news Too big boats and low bridges Because of the bridges in Nidelva, boats that can break up the ice cannot come. The boats are too big and brown too low. – The boat is too big to go up the Nidelva. Then you have to raise the bridge. We have no possibility of going up the river. That’s what Felix Seifert says in Trondheim harbour. Without a boat that can break the ice, there is little that can be done. Then you just have to wait for the ice block to float out of the river. – Everyone who has a boat in the river must keep an eye on it. Don’t go out on the wharves now while it’s going on, but take a walk afterwards, adds Mathisen.
