Massive arrests in Hong Kong on the day of remembrance for the Tiananmen massacre – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

There is chaos in the fragrant harbour, Hong Kong. There have been many defeats in recent years, but there are still protesters in Hong Kong who hope for freedom. Activists are arrested by the police in Hong Kong. Photo: TYRONE SIU / Reuters Missing the colonial era Today, June 4, they have been out in the streets, despite bans and threats of severe punishments. They will mark the 34th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. The last time Hong Kong Chinese could light candles for the victims was in 2019. Since then, several activists who have defied the ban have been sentenced to several years in prison. One of the foremost is a 67-year-old with gray hair and glasses. She constantly waves a British flag, and has been nicknamed “Grandma Wong”. – I miss the colonial era, Alexandra Wong explained to the Hong Kong Free Press in 2019. Grandma Wong waves a British flag in 2018. Photo: ANTHONY WALLACE / AFP – The British colonial era was so good for us. I saw a future, Wong elaborated. She, like so many others, has seen Hong Kong’s economic growth slow down, and freedoms being curbed, since China took over in 1997. The police have met the protesters with force. Dozens of them have been arrested. Now Grandma Wong is behind bars again. The same applies to the leader of the Social Democratic opposition party Chan Po-ying, according to AFP reporters in Hong Kong. She was holding a small led candle and two flowers when the police intervened and led her into a police car. Opposition leader Chan Po-ying is arrested. Photo: PETER PARKS / AFP From hope for democracy to Chinese domination 34 years have passed since the Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing. Inspired by protesters in Germany and the Soviet Union, students and young people gathered in the center of China’s capital. The Chinese regime killed hundreds of peaceful protesters calling for more freedom and democracy. – Hong Kong people, don’t be afraid of them. Don’t forget June 4, artist Sanmu Chen shouted as he was arrested at the commemoration on June 4, 2023. Photo: YAN ZHAO / AFP It has been 26 years since Hong Kong was returned to Chinese control. One of the world’s very last colonies was promised freedom and self-government until 2047. The city had been through its own economic miracle long before China. Hong Kong had become one of the world’s largest port cities and a center for finance in Asia. At the same time, free elections were held, there was freedom of the press and political rights. Gradually this has been curtailed. It has been three years since the Security Act, which ended all effective freedom and democracy in the island nation, was passed.
