– There has been more and more advertising. When I scroll through Instagram, it doesn’t take long before at least 2-3 posts come up, and often several in a row. It’s a bit annoying. That’s what Tonje Bakka (18) says, a second-grader at Årstad secondary school in Bergen. Classmate Elida Johanne Gilleshammer (17) also thinks it could be too much of a good thing. – It’s advertising that influencers make money from, but personally I don’t think it’s very fun to follow influencers who only advertise, she says. Nine out of ten 9-18-year-olds – and almost half of 9-year-olds – are on social media, according to the Norwegian Media Authority’s survey “Children and medium 2022”. 45 per cent advertising Now, on behalf of the Norwegian Media Authority, Retriever Norway has mapped the content of over 800 posts from the 22 most popular influencers among 9-18-year-olds. The analysis shows what children and young people get in their feed on, for example, TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat. – Tala documents that children and young people are exposed to enormous commercial pressure. That’s according to Mari Velsand, director of the Norwegian Media Authority. This is the main finding in the survey: 45 percent of posts contain advertising. 17 percent contain hidden, i.e. unmarked, advertising. 33 per cent of posts contain some form of exposure of violence, alcohol, tobacco, the body or sexual content. Only 2 percent of the posts are about socially relevant topics. Almost every post from the most popular influencers for 9-18-year-olds contains advertising. Photo: Linnea Skare Oskarsen / news Body, drugs, sex and violence There is a clear difference between “girl and boy influencers”: One in three posts from influencers that are followed by girls exposes tobacco, alcohol, the body and/or sexual content . One in four posts aimed at boys exposes animated violence, alcohol or scantily clad bodies. – Much of this is content that can contribute to both body pressure and addiction. Children and young people are at a vulnerable age, where many are unsure of themselves. Thus, they are also more easily influenced, perhaps especially by influencers with whom they identify, says Velsand. Foreign influencers have the most hidden advertising Most posts with hidden advertising come from influencers outside Norway. Norwegian influencers mainly label sponsored posts as advertising. The Norwegian rules that all advertising must be clearly marked also apply to foreign actors if the marketing is aimed at Norwegians. Norwegian advertising regulations Regulations for marketing to children and young people Special care must be taken in marketing that is aimed at, or can be seen or heard by, children. It is forbidden to directly encourage minors to buy the product, or to nag parents to buy the product. Children under the age of 18 have special protection against unethical marketing that plays on social insecurity or poor self-esteem. Certain products and treatments are not suitable for minors, and it may be illegal to market these to followers under the age of 18. Rules for the marketing of intoxicants and products that can promote body pressure It is forbidden to advertise alcohol and tobacco. There is a general ban on marketing prescription drugs, such as botox and chemical peels. Marketing of cosmetic procedures carried out by healthcare personnel must not contain before and after pictures or be obnoxious. It is forbidden to write how quickly or how much you can expect to lose weight. Source: The Norwegian Consumer Safety Authority, the Norwegian Directorate of Health, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, the Norwegian Health Authority and the Norwegian Medicines Agency. In 2022, Forbrukartilsynet uncovered 63 breaches of the Marketing Act in social media, in addition to suspected breaches of the law in 30 cases. That children and young people get a lot of advertising online, they also answer themselves in the “Children and medium 2022” survey. This applies to, among other things, advertising for beauty products, slimming, bigger muscles and gambling. – Both advertisers and influencers should take seriously the fact that seven out of ten children and young people who use social media think they get too much advertising, says Velsand. Advertising in social media Seven out of ten young 9-18-year-olds who use social media believe they receive too much advertising. Almost two out of three 13-18-year-olds have seen advertisements for beauty products. More than half of 13-18-year-olds and around a quarter of 9-12-year-olds have received advertisements for products that should give bigger muscles or contribute to weight loss. Three out of ten 13-18-year-olds have received advertisements for cosmetic treatments and one in four has received advertisements for plastic surgery. More than six out of ten 13–18-year-olds have received advertisements for gambling. Source: Children and media 2022 (Medietilsynet). Data has been collected and arranged by Kantar Public on behalf of the Norwegian Media Authority. – Don’t bother following Tonje tells her that she gets a lot of advertising for shakers, underwear advertising and clothes. – Many of the advertisements I receive are about the body and how to look the best possible. It is not a good influence on young people. They can become much more unsure of themselves, says Elida Johanne. – One must always be critical. The influencers get paid to advertise, say Elida Johanne and Tonje. Photo: Linnea Skare Oskarsen / news The two girls say that they sometimes stop following an influencer because of advertising. – Then I think that I no longer care about this, when it is not relevant to me. Their impression is that there are more and more sponsored posts. – I think it will only come more and more. It’s almost a bit annoying when I have to swipe and there are only advertisements all the time, says Tonje. Regardless of whether the advertising is marked or hidden, it is important to be aware that they are being influenced, the two believe. The Norwegian Media Authority is concerned that children and young people must learn more about how to handle the commercial pressure they are exposed to. Velsand refers to the Advertising School from the Consumer Authority as an example of a good learning scheme. The most popular influencers among Norwegian 9-18-year-olds Mr. Beast, Sidemen, Isabelle Eriksen, KSI and Randulle are the five most popular influencers in the age group. Humor and silly videos are the most popular content from influencers, tiktokers, youtubers and geeks. Among boys: 9-10 years: Mr. Beast, Randulle and Lazarbeam11-12 years: Mr. Beast, Lazarbeam and McCreamy13-14 years: Mr. Beast, Sidemen and KSI15-16 years: Sidemen, KSI, Mr. Beast17-18 years: Sidemen, KSI, PewDiePie Among girls: 9-10 years: Isabelle Eriksen, Mr. Beast, SSSniperwolf11-12 years: Isabelle Eriksen, Friends, Mr. Beast13-14 years: Isabelle Eriksen, Eveline Karlsen, Mina Jacobsen15-16 years : Funkygine, Hanna-Martine, Emma Chamberlain17-18 years: Isabel Raad, Hanna-Martine, Amalie Olsen Source: Children and medium 2022 (Medietilsynet). Data has been collected and arranged by Kantar Public on behalf of the Norwegian Media Authority