Mass transport of the dead in a van – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary • Vestfold crematorium uses a hired truck to transport the dead to cremation in Skien, which has led to criticism for a lack of dignity. • Relatives are not informed about this practice, and the coffins can be left at the crematorium until it is between four and eight pieces before they are transported.• The crematorium in Vestfold is temporarily closed due to redevelopment, and the coffins are therefore transported to Skien for cremation.• General manager at Vestfold crematorium, Monika Holm Svinsholt, defends the practice and claims that it is worthy, even though it may seem different to others. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content has been reviewed by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – This is undignified and very disrespectful towards the relatives. Both the deceased and not least the families deserve that the last journey proceeds in a dignified manner. That’s what general manager Tom Sletsjøe says at Sletsjøe funeral home in Larvik. Vestfold crematorium outside Sandefjord is currently closed in connection with redevelopment. While the works are in progress, the cremation will be carried out at the crematorium in Skien. Tom Sletsjøe reacts strongly to vans being used to transport dead people. Photo: Theo Aasland Valen / news Intermediate storage in Vestfold Usually, stretchers from funeral homes are used as means of transport to the crematorium. The coffins are usually taken to the crematorium immediately after a funeral. – We have received word from Vestfold crematorium that we will still drive the coffins there. As cremations are not currently carried out there, the coffins are taken to the crematorium in Skien, explains Sletsjøe. This is what it looks like inside the van. A chest is visible in the lower right. Photo: Privat Instead of letting the funeral parlors transport one coffin at a time to Skien, Vestfold crematorium has chosen to leave the coffins with the deceased at the crematorium until they have between four and eight pieces. The coffins are then loaded onto a hired van which heads for the crematorium in Skien. Inside the van, a temporary wooden framework has been set up where the coffins are placed at two heights. Close to 20 people in one week In recent weeks, the van has almost shuttled between the crematoria in Vestfold and Telemark. Nearly 20 dead have been driven to Skien in the course of one week. The distance between the two crematoria is close to six miles. Most of the transport takes place on the E18, which is usually heavily trafficked. – It would be much easier and better, both in terms of practicality and logistics, but also in terms of the environment, if the agencies were responsible for the transport, says Sletsjøe. He refers to his own agency assisting with many funerals in Larvik and the surrounding area. – We could drive directly to the crematorium in Skien after a funeral, but therefore have to drive in the exact opposite direction to deliver the coffin at the crematorium outside Sandefjord. When the coffin nevertheless goes to Skien, it appears quite strange. Hello! If you have any tips on the matter or are a relative, please contact me. Ethical and aesthetic The owner of the funeral home, which this year has kept it going for a hundred years, nevertheless emphasizes that it is the lack of dignity that bothers him the most. – There is a reason why the stretcher trucks are made the way they are. Transport of a dead person must, in my view, be of high quality, both ethically and aesthetically. But they choose to use a van, sighs Sletsjøe. Monika Holm Svinsholt is general manager at Vestfold crematorium. She confirms the use of vans to transport several dead at the same time. – We are in the process of replacing the two existing gas ovens with an electric oven. It will therefore be closed for cremations for a period of around three months. We are now a little over halfway through this period, but it is true that we have leased a car that is registered as a van to transport coffins to the crematorium in Skien. – Our values ​​are openness, respect and dignity – What do you think about this way of transporting dead people? – We are concerned that this is done in a proper way and our values ​​are openness, respect and dignity. Monika Holm Svinsholt defends van transport. Photo: Private – But is this worthy? – Yes, I mean that, although it might seem different to some. It is not unusual for several coffins to be transported at the same time, either under the auspices of a crematorium or funeral agency in connection with the temporary closure of a crematorium. – But not in a van? – No, it is probably true that it is not common, but this is a temporary solution and is considered internal transport. It is not a so-called ceremonial transport according to the industry organization for funeral directors. Svinsholt adds that they have had a good round internally among the employees regarding the need for transport during the construction phase at the crematorium. – We informed both the board and our owner municipalities before we decided to do it this way, she says. Has no contact with relatives The day-to-day manager of the crematorium says that the funeral parlors were also informed about the transport by van. However, representatives of several agencies say to news that they were not informed that the transport was to take place by van. – We did not inform about exactly what kind of car we were going to rent. It was only after the meetings with the agencies that we were offered to hire this van, says Svinsholt. She emphasizes that this is a solution they only use for a shorter period. – We also have no contact with the next of kin. That’s what the funeral parlors have, says Svinsholt. Have your say on the matter here: Hi! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue Published 11.06.2024, at 18.00
