Mass arrests during peaceful protests in Russia – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The toughened laws for deserters and others come into effect just days after President Vladimir Putin ordered the partial mobilization of reservists for the war in Ukraine. Putin hopes to mobilize 300,000 reservists, and Wednesday’s order sparked demonstrations across Russia. Many have also chosen to leave the country in recent days. Large police forces arrested several protesters they perceived as “suspicious”. Photo: AP On Saturday, over 740 people were arrested in connection with peaceful demonstrations against Putin’s mobilization order, according to the independent website OVD-Info. Among them were over 300 in Moscow and almost 150 in St. Petersburg. Arrested for singing – We are not cannon fodder! shouted a young woman who had climbed onto a bench before the police took her away when they stopped a demonstration in Moscow on Saturday, according to NTB. The protest in Moscow had been announced in advance, and a large police contingent turned up and picked up those who were considered suspicious. When the police arrested a man in a park close to Red Square, people shouted “shame!”. The atmosphere quickly became bad when several people were arrested. Photo: AP In Novosibirsk in eastern Siberia, more than 70 people were arrested after they sang a harmless peace song from the Soviet era. – Putin to the trenches! shouted a small group of protesters in St. Petersburg who managed a short protest march in the city’s main street before being arrested. Ukraine: – Surrender Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj appealed to the Russians on Saturday evening. He said that President Vladimir Putin is deliberately “sending his citizens to their deaths”. In Russian, Zelenskyy called on Russian forces to surrender. – You will be treated in a civilized way, no one will know the circumstances surrounding your surrender, he said. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy calls on Russians to surrender. Photo: Ukraine president’s office
