Maskorama won a new reality award – Latest news – news

16 September 2022 at 21:15 Maskorama wins new reality award The program Maskorama won the award for Entertainment Program of the Year during the new award ceremony called Reality Awards. It is the first time this award ceremony has been held in Norway, but has been popular in Denmark for several years, among other things. The other nominees in the category were “Shall we dance”, “Linni seeks the dream prince”, “The hunt for love”, “The Voice”, “Star match”, “First date”, “Norway’s new megahit”, “Drag me out” and “The luxury trap”. Here are some of the other winners during tonight’s award ceremony: Participant of the year – Bjørn Einar Romøren (“Master of Masters”) Character-driven reality of the year – Funkyfam (TV 2) Comeback of the year – David Eriksen (“Everybody loves David”) Duo of the year – Martine Lunde and Aleksander Sæterstøl (“Sofa”)
