Maskorama 29 October 2022 – song by song – Reviews and recommendations

The case is updated. Reckless Dandy Dandy “Good As Hell” – Lizzo After an unforgettable candy/dandy rhyme from Silje Nordnes, the Dandy is back on stage. Just as loyal to the noir theme this time, and the voice convinces me more and more that this is not a professional vocalist, but someone who rather likes to sing for himself. This careless and limping Lizzo cover is simply revealing for someone who doesn’t make money from singing. In addition, the movements are as tenacious as a 150-year-old turtle, which suggests that the focus is mostly on getting through the song. Jaggu not easy to guess who this could be! Rabagasten has gotten better Rabagasten “Can’t Hold Us” – Macklemore I’m starting to suspect that this isn’t Pølsa after all… This could just as well be either Are or Odin? So Are Sende Osen or Klaus Sonstad. But would either of them choose a Macklemore song? If Pølsa, Are or Odin can rap like this, I will be impressed. This is actually not that crazy, then! Rabagasten is a little less of a jerk today, but still has the energy of an over-poured accountant at a Christmas party. Has also gained a little more control over the dance steps, which is not only easy inside the round skull of Rabagasten. This time, in any case, Rabagasten got to show a more talented side of himself, with less focus on bajaseri. Better!
