Martin Lilleberg is this year’s Blime artist – news Trøndelag

This year’s BlimE song produced by news Super will be released on Friday. The song tends to become a national nuisance for children throughout Norway and is often about inclusion and taking care of each other. It is now clear that Martin Lilleberg is this year’s BlimE artist. Lilleberg is from Melhus in Trøndelag and is both a dancer and presenter for FlippKlipp. It is an news initiative on YouTube where the focus is on gaming and fiction, among other things. He was also a participant in the reality series Norges Tøffeste. Lilleberg is honored to be this year’s BlimE artist: – It’s very nice. It really is an opportunity to work on a really nice project. I feel lucky to be allowed to participate, he says. Song about inclusion This year’s song is called “Sveve Høyt” and will be released before the summer. Lilleberg describes the song as happy and danceable. This year’s theme is inclusion and that everyone has their place. – And that what you look for in everyday life is what you find. If you look for nice things, you will find a lot that is nice, says Lilleberg. The song also comes with a dance video so that everyone can learn to dance along. The BlimE videos have over 10 million views in total. The choreography and instructional video for the dance will not be available until after the summer. – The dance this year is quite manageable. It is quite free and playful. There is room to be yourself in it, says the artist. Local dancers Lilleberg, who is actually a dancer, brought the film crew home to Trøndelag to record it with local children in the lead role. Jakob Giske (7) is one of the lucky ones chosen to be in the music video. He thinks it’s great to be involved in something that many children are interested in. – What do you think about you being in the video? – It’s absolutely incredible, he says and adds: – Everyone can see it, so it’s a bit of fun.
