Martial arts trainer in Bergen indicted for sexual intercourse with girls he trained – news Vestland

A man is accused of having taken advantage of his position as a martial arts trainer and of having sexual relations with children under the legal age of 16. According to the indictment, the man has had sexual intercourse with several minors over a period of 15 years, from the beginning of the 2000s. The victims were between 15 and 17 years old at the time of the crime. Abuse is said to have occurred in Bergen, but also outside the city and abroad when the coach was at competitions with the athletes. DISTRICT COURT: The trial against the coach starts in April in Hordaland District Court. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news One became three victims The police became aware of the case in 2022, when a woman contacted the police. She talked about relationships that were 20 years ago, and which involved her former trainer. – Based on this, a report was made on the relationship. The victim also named other possible victims, thus helping the police’s investigation against the now-accused, says police attorney Eli Andrea Skaar to news. Skaar states that the report led to a search of the man’s home, and further arrest and detention. NOTIFIED: Police prosecutor Eli Andrea Skaar says one of the victims helped the police in their investigation. Photo: Valentina Baisotti / news – Does not plead guilty The man’s defender, lawyer Frida Nikoline Barlaug Haugland, tells news that the man does not plead guilty. – He will give his explanation of the case in court, but beyond that I have no comment, says Barlaug Haugland. Legal aid attorneys Cathrine Pryser Grøndahl and Cecilie Wallewik represent the aggrieved, and say they will not speak to the media for the time being. Seven days have been set aside for the trial, which will be held in Hordaland district court. – The police take the case seriously, which we do of course in all morality cases. The penalty is six years, says police attorney Eli Andrea Skaar. Norwegian Martial Arts Association: – Has better routines now that the Norwegian Martial Arts Association was informed by the police about the case in 2022, adviser Kathrine Strand Hammond confirms to news. – We take the matter very seriously, and have of course cooperated with the police, says Strand Hammond to news. Strand Hammond states that the man is no longer a member of any of the sports teams in the Norwegian Martial Arts Association. In recent years, the association has worked to ensure better notification routines, and says they are very concerned about preventive measures. Among other things, the system “My notice” was introduced in 2022. Through it, the Norwegian Martial Arts Association hopes that the individual sports teams and the association itself will uncover objectionable conditions earlier. – We want a safe sport. We have got better tools and routines both at the confederation level and at the level of the sports team, says Strand Hammond and adds: – We are also working to inform the sports teams of their responsibilities when, among other things, they have to hire coaches. There must be a vigilant board that ensures that the police certificate is in order, and has a children’s sports officer who follows up on a daily basis. Hi! Do you have any tips for this, or other matters? Feel free to send me an email; [email protected]
