Married couple killed in Otta – presumed perpetrator questioned today – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

It was an elderly couple who were killed in a housing complex outside Otta Sentrum on Monday evening. The accused, a man in his 40s, called the police himself and reported himself. After the incident, the man was taken care of by the healthcare system. The police will try to interrogate the accused during the day today. – We hope to be able to implement it as we have planned. Otherwise, we will continue to interview witnesses. We ask that people with information report to the police, says police lawyer Julie Dalsveen. Forensic psychiatric examination The police appointed an expert to carry out a preliminary forensic psychiatric examination of the accused yesterday Tuesday. The investigation was carried out yesterday, according to the police. – We must look at the result of this before deciding whether to appoint an expert, and possibly a new investigation, says Dalsveen. ASKING FOR TIPS: Julie Dalsveen asks people to come forward if they have information that could be of interest to the investigation. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news They further state that they are aware that the accused allegedly has a history from the healthcare system. This is health information about which the police do not have details and cannot comment further. – But it is true that we have information about the man’s history from the healthcare system. This is information that we have not been able to verify yet. Nor do I want to say anything about where the information comes from, says Dalsveen. DEFENDER: Anders Bjørnsen is the lawyer for the accused. Photo: Terje Haugnes / news Yesterday, the man’s defender, Anders Bjørnsen, said that he would not comment on the man’s state of health. – What I can say is that there is a fellow who is not doing so well, Bjørnsen told news on Tuesday. The accused is remanded in custody for four weeks with a ban on letters and visits and full isolation for two weeks. As far as the police are aware, there is no family relationship between those killed and the accused. – They are not related and we are not aware of any other relationship than that they live in the same neighbourhood. It may be that they may have known each other and possibly had contact, but the investigation must clarify that further, said police attorney Julie Dalsveen to news on Tuesday. LOCATION: Several doors in the housing association were destroyed when the police had to break into several apartments when they were looking for any more injured people. Photo: Torstein Georg Bøe / news Autopsies Yesterday it became known that those killed are an elderly couple in their 80s. It is believed that the autopsies of those killed will be done today. The district court has appointed lawyer Øistein Skurdal as legal counsel for the next of kin. Several residents in the residential area have temporarily moved to another place of residence. It happens while the police are doing their technical investigations after the double murder. Acting mayor of Sel, Pål Ellingsbø, will not say anything about how many are involved.
