Marked increase in foreigners buying mountain cabins in Norway due to the exchange rate of the krone – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary There has been an explosive increase in the number of foreign owners of Norwegian mountain huts in the past year, according to the Norwegian Cabin Association Germans, Danes, Dutch and Swedes are among those who buy holiday homes in Norway. Many of the foreign cabin owners rent out the cabins for large parts of the year. The Norwegian Cabin Association believes the winter climate and low Norwegian krone exchange rate are the main reasons for the increase. The cottage association sees the trend positively, as it can help save the winter season for the cottage market. Local businesses in areas such as Vrådal also view the trend positively, as it means more “hot beds” and increased activity in the local community. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. While many Norwegians have found a “cottage” in Spain, Germans, Danes, Dutch and Swedes look to Norway when they want to buy a holiday home. In a cabin field in Vrådal in Telemark, 40 out of 600 cabins have German owners. – We like the great view. It’s wonderful!, smiles Hans-Jürgen Duggen. They have been in Vrådal for almost 20 years, and are enjoying themselves at the cabin. Half of the German cabin owners in Vrådal also rent out the cabin for large parts of the year. In the last year, there has been a marked increase in foreign tourists who have bought cabins in the mountains in Norway. Photo: ROALD MARKER / news The Duggen couple rent out almost 200 days a year. They have been doing that for almost 10 years. It is not difficult to fill up the booking, they say. – They like the nature and the silence here. Germans like to book a long time in advance. Many weeks are booked next summer, says Birgitte Duggen. The German cabin owners in Vrådal Panorama have joined forces to create a brochure for renting out the cabins. Photo: Roald Marker / news Explosive increase Since last winter, this trend has exploded, according to the Norwegian Cabin Association. – The increase is simply abnormal, says chairman of the Hytteforbundet, Trond G. Hagen. Chairman of the Norwegian Cabin Association, Trond G. Hagen. Photo: NORGES HITTEFORBUND – It is so big that many people react that it has become so much more. They are looking for reasons, he says. So far this year, foreigners make up 4 percent of buyers of holiday homes in Norway, according to figures from the Prognosesenteret. In the same period last year, the proportion was 2.5 per cent, while it is normally 1.5 per cent, the figures show. Hagen believes the winter climate and low Norwegian krone exchange rate are the main reasons for the increase. Last winter there was a lack of snow in the Alps, but in Norway it is still more stable, Hagen points out. Hytteforbundet says the trend is felt mainly in South-Eastern Norway. He believes more and more cabins in Norway are getting foreign owners. – So far, it seems that the situation will continue, and perhaps be strengthened. It’s a snowball that has started to roll, says Hagen. Can save the winter season The Hytteforbundet believes it is positive that foreigners will buy and rent cabins in Norway. Norwegians’ use of cabins in Norway has decreased by 25 percent in the past year, according to the Hytteforbundet. In addition, the cottage market has almost stopped due to a lack of electricity support and higher interest rates, Hagen points out. 40 out of 600 cabins in Vrådal panorama have German owners. Many of the cabin owners also rent out their cabins for large parts of the year. Photo: ROALD MARKER / news – The winter season can be saved by foreign tourists, he says. – It maintains the activity in the area where they have the holiday home. Personally, I see it as an advantage that the cabin is used, he says. – But how it will be if it continues for many years, I can hardly comment on now, he says. Great importance for the ski destination For businesses in Vrådal, the foreign cabin owners are positive. – We see that this is a growing trend. It is very positive for us as an alpine destination and developers, says Jan Rune Grave, assistant operations manager at Vrådal Panorama. – For us as a major ski destination, this has great significance, says Jan Gunnar Grave, assistant operations manager at Vrådal panorama. Photo: ROALD MARKER / news They are happy that the cabin owners also rent out their cabins. – This means more warm beds in the village when the cabin is used. There are people who leave money in the ski center and the local community, says Grave. – For us, as a major ski destination, it is of great importance.
