Maria gave birth in the reception – news Nordland

The case in summary Maria Boltshauser gave birth to her daughter outside Narvesen at Nordlandssykehuset, just 12 minutes after they left home. The birth happened so quickly that the water broke in the car and Maria had to be carried to the hospital by her roommate. A midwife was present and helped Maria through the birth, which she describes as incredibly safe and well handled. Maria is happy that the birth took place in the evening, with only the receptionist as an audience. She expresses that she could not have given birth in a better place than exactly where she was, in the hospital’s reception. The family calls the newborn the “golden girl”, who came out like a gold medal. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Doctor Maria Boltshauser, who usually works at Nordlandssykehuset, had her second child on the night of Monday. – It was a very dramatic experience, but a nice experience too, says Maria Boltshauser to news. Both the three-year-old son and the roommate had a fever of 40 when the “golden girl” suddenly found out that it was time to come into the world three weeks early. – The confirmation speech has already been written, says Maria and laughs. Grandparents to the rescue With three weeks until the due date, Sunday started like any other Sunday. If you disregard the fact that Maria was heavily pregnant, and that both the three-year-old son and the roommate were lying flat with flu. Here sleeps the “golden girl” who was in such a hurry when she came into the world on Sunday 3 March. Photo: Privat Over the course of the day, Maria began to get hints of acquaintances. – It wasn’t regular, and it wasn’t experienced as intense, says Maria and says she called the midwife to double check. They agreed to wait, and Maria took it easy at home. When day turned to evening, and evening turned to night, Maria sensed that the little one might have other plans. She realized that it was good to organize childcare because of the youngest person in the house. – It was a bit dramatic because both my partner and son were ill. Fortunately, my parents were vaccinated and could apply. A proud older brother greets his little sister in the maternity ward at Nordlandssykehuset. Photo: private / news At quarter to two, on the night of Monday, grandfather and grandfather came to the rescue to look after the three-year-old. When childcare was in place, things suddenly moved very quickly. – I don’t know if it’s because I relaxed, but suddenly the contractions developed and became more intense. They came five minutes apart. Then it was basically to put on the jacket, take the birthing bag and drive into Nordlandssykehuset. She says that the roommate brought out a few extra gears, both on himself and in the car, she says and laughs. The water got into the car. It was by hanging hair that the couple got to the hospital. – Just as we parked, the first burst of pressure came and the water went into the car. I couldn’t hold back. While the birth was underway, the roommate helped Boltshauser out of the car and carried her into the hospital. A midwife had also arrived. – When we got to the warm part just inside the sliding doors and just outside Narvesen, I realized I couldn’t get any further. Then the head was in the birth position. Then it was just a matter of pushing and following nature’s course. Photo: Kasper Holgersen It took 12 minutes from the time the couple left home until the baby was out. The birth itself lasted only a few minutes. – I needed someone to tell me exactly what to do and how. They communicated that in a very good way. It felt incredibly safe, she says. And adds: – I couldn’t have given birth in a better place than exactly where I was, i.e. at the reception. Felt safe In retrospect, Maria is happy that the birth took place in the evening, with only the receptionist as an audience. – We just call her the golden girl, who came out as a gold medal, says Maria Boltshauser. On the night of Monday, she gave birth to her second child, in the reception of Nordlandssykehuset Bodø. Photo: private – If it had been during the day, I think it would have been a different experience. Then I think I would have done what I could to hold back or give birth in the car, just to spare myself a little. Maria Boltshauser says that she never felt either fear or insecurity. – I felt completely safe. Experienced midwives, childminders and with the help of both the father and the receptionist, the experience was only positive. Everyone was very professional, and worked incredibly well in an emergency situation. Now she and her family will enjoy the new supplement. – We just call her the “golden girl”, who came out as a gold medal.
