– Many young people have not learned to behave drunk among people – news Vestland

On Tuesday, 23,000 excited festival audience members showed up at Koengen in Bergen to see the American rap icon Post Malone. The sun was shining and the mood was impeccable, according to BT’s reviewer on the spot who wrote that: “The cheers of the people of Bergen almost tipped him off the stick.” But not everything was fun, according to the organizer and the police: The average age was low during the long-awaited concert which has been sold out for half a year. – There were many relatively young people who had used a lot of drugs, says police station chief Lars Morten Lothe at Bergen city center police station. According to the police, there were many intoxicated age group 16-25 years who came to the area early. 23,000 AUDIENCE: The Post Malone concert was the largest event at Koengen since 2019. Photo: Oliander Taule New trend after the pandemic – There has been a standstill for two years, and a couple of cohorts who are not used to being in large gatherings. It helps to shape it all, says general manager of Bergen live Frank Nes. Although most of them behaved well, he describes yesterday’s mood as “foals on spring release” during the largest event since before the pandemic. – The audience had been looking forward to it for a long time and many bought a ticket a long time ago. In addition, there were many visitors who were at a concert at Koengen for the first time, he says and adds: – There is a lot of testosterone, joy and many are happy to have a little too much right before they enter. Then the effect comes later. We also experience that other drugs are used, says Nes. He still thinks the numbers are not alarmingly high: – If you break the numbers down, there will be the equivalent of two evictions at a nightclub with 400 guests. No one would react to that, says Nes. Nes gives these tips to concert-goers: Read out on the information Take care of each other, in the group of friends Drink a lot of water Remember that you come to have a great music experience. All the non-alcoholic drugs, like GHB, know what you’re getting. Do not test things, it is not smart. GIVE CLEAR ADVICE: The general manager of Bergen live, Frank Nes, gives a checklist to young concertgoers. Photo: Bente Kjøllesdal Police: – Several people enjoy drugs in a public place Prior to the concert, the organizer had scaled up the staff at work. 75 guards, around 50 hosts, 100 from TIF Viking contributed with admission, about 20 police officers were present in addition to nurses and doctors. Police station chief Lothe at Bergen city center police station emphasizes that the vast majority of the audience behaved well. He still notices the same trend as Nes: DEVELOPMENT: Police station chief Lars Morten Lothe at Bergen city center police station, he believes he sees a development in more people using drugs in public places. Photo: Mats Arnesen / news – It is difficult to generalize, but we see a development in more people enjoying drugs in public places. There are many young people who do not have much experience with the nightlife. Acting drunk in public is one thing to learn, says Lothe. Yngve Raad in Securitas, who was responsible for the guards during the concert, is left with the same impression. – In general, we can say that we experienced that a good number came to the concert very drunk. Many had probably had a slightly too good prelude, he says, but adds that it went better than expected: – 99.9 percent behaved well, and there was a vanishingly small proportion who managed to trouble it.
