Many young people feel lonely at Christmas – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

You lie in bed and swipe through the pictures that have been posted from the weekend. Large groups of boys and girls smile for the camera, toast in champagne with glittery dresses and suits. You’re still waiting for the invitation that never comes. – It’s a feeling many people can recognize now, I think, says 21-year-old Jenny Gehrken. Feeling empty The 21-year-old was lying in bed in his room in the collective at Frogner. One of her roommates was at a Christmas party with friends. Another had his girlfriend visiting. She could hear laughter and chatter through the wall. In the living room there were packages and open calendar flaps, gifts from the roommates’ family and friends. Jenny felt completely empty. Then she realized that she simply felt lonely. Jenny can sometimes feel lonely, even though she lives with friends in a collective. Photo: Live Wold / NRKJenny can feel lonely at times, even though she lives with friends in a collective. Photo: Live Wold / news On a daily basis, she shares a lot from her life on social media and through her podcast. That’s why she picked up her mobile phone and posted an honest video on Tiktok about how she felt lonely. Then the feedback poured in. – Many wrote that they recognized themselves. I received many messages, also from boys, who thanked me for saying it was okay to feel, she says. Young people are the loneliest Jenny is not alone in having felt these feelings lately. Opinion has carried out a survey for the Red Cross, in which 1,034 people from all over the country have been asked. The very recent figures show that one in four Norwegians currently feel lonely. And it is the youngest who know it the most. Almost half of the respondents under the age of 25 answered that they have felt lonely. Many of them have in common that they live in Oslo. Those who live alone are clearly more lonely than those who live with others. Jenny and her roommate fix themselves in the bathroom. The roommate is going to a Christmas party. Photo: Live Wold Jenny and her roommate fix themselves in the bathroom. The roommate is going to a Christmas party. Photo: Live Wold Jenny is not surprised by these figures. – I think it is so sad. I also don’t feel it is taken that seriously, she says. The corona virus and social media are largely to blame for that, Jenny believes. – Many people became more lonely during the pandemic. In addition, we have the exposure from social media which only reminds you that you are alone today, while others look like they are having a good time, she says. She adds: – But what you see is not real. High numbers – The fact that so many young people feel lonely now, and have done so over time, worries us. That’s what Solveig Ugland, head of Red Cross Youth, says. – Being outside can contribute to loneliness, but also the feeling of having no one to confide in can feel just as lonely, she says. She explains that many will feel lonely from time to time, and that it does not necessarily have to be so dangerous. But if it persists it is worrying. – I think a lot of prevention can happen if we talk openly about it, she says. The darkest day of the year 21 December is the darkest day of the year. In this connection, the Red Cross held a commemoration in Oslo, where Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre participated. – Behind the numbers are people. Christmas is perhaps an extra vulnerable time because it is a holiday that is about community, he says. Støre believes this is a reminder that everyone can make a difference. Christmas lights in the snow Jenny puts on her shoes and coat, and goes out into the winter darkness. She knows she has family and friends to talk to. Therefore, Jenny was initially afraid that she was not in a position to talk about loneliness. – Then I thought, I have to ask myself why that feeling comes. Then I can actually do something about it, she says. Jenny thinks it’s perfectly fine to feel lonely. The question one should ask is why the feeling comes. Photo: Live Wold / NRKJenny thinks it’s perfectly fine to feel lonely. The question one should ask is why the feeling comes. Photo: Live Wold / news She thinks loneliness is still taboo to talk about. That’s why she wanted to be open about it. So others can make changes in their lives if they feel the same. The Christmas lights twinkle behind her. Jenny herself has decided to put her mobile away for Christmas. – Rather, try to be present with those you are with. Smile at someone you don’t know. Know that you are not alone.
