Many traffic accidents on slippery roads in southern Norway – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

There was a collision between two cars on Monday morning in Herre i Bamle in Telemark. There must be major material damage. The people involved must be conscious, according to the police. In Skien there has been an accident between a car and a bus. The passenger car has some damage to the front. In the bus, only the driver was on board. In Buskerud, several cars are involved in a traffic accident in Ringeriksveien at Knive in Øvre Eiker. There should be no question of personal injury. But it is slippery on the spot, according to the police. At Hønefoss, a car has crashed into a rock wall on RV350 at the exit to Geithus. The police report that there are probably no injuries, and that it is possible to pass by the scene of the accident. The Norwegian Road Traffic Center encourages motorists to ensure proper winter tires on the car and to drive according to the conditions. All plow crews are out, according to the central office. There are also delays on the Østfold line, and several trains have been cancelled, due to a train blocking the track at Ljan station, reports Bane Nor. Traffic chaos in Stockholm Heavy snowfall in the Stockholm region has led to traffic chaos in the Swedish capital. The snow has been falling since Sunday evening and through the night. An orange danger warning has now been issued in the Stockholm area and on Gotland by the Swedish Meteorological Institute SMHI. All trains into Stockholm have been cancelled, reports Aftonbladet. The reason is a power outage due to the snowfall. Many traffic accidents are also reported. The traffic situation in Stockholm is critical, according to the police as more people stay at home. Expressen reports. Bus traffic has been suspended in Trollhättan and Vänersborg, reports SVT.
